Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Church Music Heritage and Fall Festival

Petersburg United Methodist Church, Petersburg, Tennessee

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The 8th annual Sacred Harp singing at Petersburg United Methodist Church was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Tim Reynolds leading 34t. The opening prayer was offered by Tim Reynolds.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds 45t; John Edmondson 49t, 59; Heidi Nolen 49b; Tim Reynolds 128; Sandie Scott 472; Laurens Blankers 40, 452; Heidi Nolen 47b; Tim Reynolds 278t.


Tim Reynolds brought the class back to order leading 72b. Leaders: Tim Reynolds 63, 159, 569b, 335; Sandie Scott 155; Tim Reynolds 148. John Edmondson offered the blessing before the noon meal.


Tim Reynolds called the class back to order leading 566. Leaders: David Carlton 567; Heidi Nolen 358; Sandie Scott 274t; John Edmondson 161; David Carlton 160b; Byron Burchett 455; Sandie Scott 454; Heidi Nolen 323b; Laurens Blankers 323t; David Carlton 440; Heidi Nolen 503; Byron Burchett 504; Laurens Blankers 433; Byron Burchett 174; Heidi Nolen 178.

Following announcements, Tim Reynolds led 146. The closing prayer was offered by John Edmondson, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—John Edmondson; Secretary—Sandie Scott