Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New Year’s Day Singing

Holy Trinity Church, Mapperley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The annual New Year’s Day Singing was called to order by Helen Brown leading 75. A warm welcome was extended to all, and Simon White offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Ted Brown 47t; Ruth Steggles 171; Margaret Gillanders 36b; Gillian White 49t; Michael Walker 162; Cath Tyler 405; Zachary Marcus 335; Chris Brown 31t; Rosalind Oldham 270; Phil Tyler 74b; Steve Fletcher 84; Hannah Land 228; Benny Ross 274t; Ian West 98 (CB); Judy Whiting 507b (CB).

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Helen Brown; Vice Chairman—Ted Brown; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders; Arranging Committee—Judy Whiting.


Helen Brown called the class back to order leading 101t. Leaders: Ruth Steggles 39t; Gillian White 34b; Margaret Gillanders 318; Ted Brown 111b; Cath Tyler 412; Zachary Marcus 455; Michael Walker 306; Chris Brown 295b (CB); Rosalind Oldham 575 (CB); Steve Fletcher 472; Phil Tyler 184b (CB); Hannah Land 186. Hannah Land asked the blessing for the mid-day meal.


Ian West re-convened the class by leading 571 (CB). Leaders: Benny Ross 77t; Helen Brown 30b; Judy Whiting 384; Ruth Steggles 148; Margaret Gillanders 542; Gillian White 276; Ted Brown 81t; Cath Tyler 192; Zachary Marcus 503; Michael Walker 475; Rosalind Oldham 572 (CB); Chris Brown 102; Steve Fletcher 38t (CB); Hannah Land 554 (CB); Phil Tyler 99.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Gillian White. The names of the following deceased were read: June, Mick Lovley, George Seiler, Muriel De Freyne, Iona Glover, Ivan Grant, Alan White, Betty Thompson, Faith Houbert, Theano Yianni, Glynne Williams, Leo McGuigan, Ernest Allott, Peter Sellers, Oliver Gill, Cliff Eriksen, and Valerie Munday.

The names of the following sick and housebound were read: Bob Meek, Maureen Gamlin, Linda Champ, Glennon Melton, Maggie Watson, Anne Milne, Maureen Jones, Moysis Yianni, Chris Yianni, Kathy Armstrong, Stephanie Cain, Lyn Rickard, Stephen Rickard, Malcolm Breckman, and Stan Reeve.

Ted Brown led 133 (CB). Michael Walker concluded the lessons by offering prayer.

Leaders: Ian West 480; Benny Ross 474.


Helen Brown called the class back together by leading 573 (CB). Leaders: Margaret Gillanders 140 (CB); Gillian White 128 (CB); Judy Whiting 150; Cath Tyler 362; Ruth Steggles 496; Michael Walker 495; Chris Brown 512; Steve Fletcher 481; Hannah Land 142; Phil Tyler 332; Benny Ross 330t; Ted Brown 569b; Judy Whiting 273.

Following announcements, Helen Brown led 347 as the closing song. Gillian White offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Helen Brown; Vice Chairman—Ted Brown; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders