Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Fa So La Omaha

St. Vincent of Lehrens Antiochian Orthodox Church,
Omaha, Nebraska

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 12th annual Fa So La Omaha Sacred Harp Singing was held at St. Vincent of Lehrens Antiochian Orthodox Church, Omaha, Nebraska, on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April. The class was welcomed by Alice Love, and she led 34t. The invocation was offered by Sharla Hulsey.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Alice Love; Treasurer—Kathy Wood; Secretary—Jim Wood.

Leaders: Jenni Wallace 147t, 36b; Karen Swenson 32t, 29t: Paul Wyatt 313t, 460; Sharla Hulsey 148, 312b; Charles Scudder 39t, 38b; Kathy Wood 452, 87; Wade Ramsey 47b, 106; Sue Pearson 344, 503; Jim Solheim 192, “Kyrkjebobakken”.


The class was called back to order by Alice Love leading 159 and 155. Leaders: Jenni Wallace 475, 40; Jenny Solheim “Brokke”, 218; Charles Scudder 472, 86; Sharla Hulsey 72b, 35; Paul Wyatt 76b, 300; Karen Swenson 350, 203; Jim Solheim 440, 454; Sue Pearson 276, 299. The prayer before the noon meal was offered by Sharla Hulsey.


The afternoon session was called to order by Alice Love leading 421 and 551. Leaders: Jim Wood and Kathy Wood 68b; Kathy Wood and Dora Miller 496; Jenny Solheim 318, 198; Karen Swenson 430, 61; Charles Scudder 288, 479; Sharla Hulsey 535, 337; Sue Pearson 497, 474; Paul Wyatt 176b, 53; Jenni Wallace 228, 532.


The class was called to return by Alice Love leading 66.

Charles Scudder conducted the memorial service leading 73t and 31t in memory of the deceased. He led 30t in honor of the sick and shut-ins.

Leaders: Jim Solheim “Omaha”, 217; Kathy Wood, Kyle Kopsa, Julia Kopsa, Maria Kopsa, and Katherine Kopsa 99, 354b; Jenny Solheim 171, 269; Karen Swenson 183, 225t; Sharla Hulsey 31t, 189; Paul Wyatt 175, 278t; Jenni Wallace 146, 480; Sue Pearson 142, 143; Alice Love 65.

Announcements were made. Joe Harder offered the closing prayer. Alice Love led 347 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Alice Love; Treasurer—Kathy Wood; Secretary—Jim Wood