Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing

Guiding Star Grange, Greenfield, Massachusetts

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Young People’s Sacred Harp Association met on Saturday before the first fifth Sunday after the Fourth of July at the Guiding Star Grange in Greenfield, Massachusetts. Phillip Langley called the class to order leading 144. Deidra Montgomery offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Lela Crowder 139; John Holbrook 354t; Elizabeth Stoddard 171; Jeremy Galvagni 72b; Kelsey Sunderland and Lauren Bock 37b; Bill Holt 203; Linda Shea 371; D.J. Hatfield 411; Joanne Fuller, Jen Francis, and Ruby Jane Francis 131b; Tim Eriksen 499; Peter Golden 154; Sheila Kelly 224; Jan-Erik Steel 270; Kate Richardson 207; Jim Picton 155; Willis McCumber 191.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairperson—Allison Schofield; Vice Chairperson—Deidra Montgomery; Secretary—Julian Damashek; Treasurer—Nora Dunn; Chaplain—Blake Sisemore; Arranging Committee—Kelsey Sunderland and Lauren Bock; Resolutions Committee—Lela Crowder and Robert Kelly; Locating Committee—Cassie Allen, Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Richard Ivey, and Phillip Langley. Allison Schofield welcomed the class and led 542.

Leaders: Deidra Montgomery 90; Julian Damashek 73t; Amy Finlay 99; Liz Cantrell 283; Bob Parr 272; Corrone Bryant 523; Jean Seiler 217; Peter Irvine 460; Dan Hertzler 528; Kelly House 179; Terry Ryan 71; Sally Langendorf 108b.


Eliza Cavanaugh called the class back to order leading 30t. Leaders: Kelsey Wessels and Meredith Doster 384; George Seiler 480; Mary Gowins 546; Brian Collett 198; Paula Picton 377; Chris Holley 168; Maggie Shar and Molly Merrett 276; John delRe 486; Diane Mennella 564; Jennie Brown 302; Natalie Jablonski 89; Robert Stoddard 522; Leonard Spencer 245; Anne Kazlauskas 200; Sheldon Finlay 189; Laura Borrelli 209; Nora Dunn 157; Martha Henderson 67; James Baumgartner 163t; Judy Caudle 355; Aldo Ceresa 118; Louis Hughes 448t; Barbara Swetman 91; Ines Lüttgen 103; Tom Malone 150; Kelly Macklin 468; Miranda Elliot Rader 410t; Ian Quinn 183; Barb Ames 34b; Ruth Hooke 268. A blessing for the noon meal was offered by Blake Sisemore.


Dana Borrelli called the class back to order leading 335. Leaders: Nicola Collett 269; Kevin Moreno 220; Elizabeth Stokes 328; Blake Sisemore 273; Lela Crowder 322; Lucy O’Leary 474; Oliver Kindig-Stokes 392; Mary Elizabeth Lee 192; Blake Tanedo 312b; Cassie Allen 444; Caitlin Caulfield 344; Richard Ivey 293; Mary Andrews 457; Robert Kelly 204; Sarah West 498; April Dell 48t; Rachel Speer 573; Cheyenne Ivey 30t; Phillippa Stoddard 112; Phillip Langley 172; Anna Mays 436; Ben Bath 182; Brittany Tanedo and Deidra Montgomery 282; Dan Hunter 560; Michael Mosley 368.


Dean Jens called the class back to order leading 47b. Leaders: Joanna Lampert 336; Myles Dakan 504; Sarah Whites-Koditschek 213t; Joanne Bowman 228; Rodney Ivey 30b; Rosalie Elkinton 102; Kathy Collett 84; Matt Wojcik and Rosie Wojcik 383; Judith Parker and Paul Clazing 178; Richard Schmeidler 543; Kiri Miller 445; Jack Sullivan 232; Laura Timmerman 55; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 511; Ron Trial 479; Martha Rogers 106; Bob Mills 160b; Melissa Kline 163b; Cheri Hardy 159; Wing Mui 107; Kitty Kagay 39t.

Allison Schofield brought the class into a business meeting and heard reports from each committee. The Finance Committee announced that expenses had been met and thanked all for their generosity. The Locating Committee announced that next year’s Young People’s Singing will be held at Fuller Cemetery in Ider, Alabama. The Secretary announced that 109 songs had been led by 120 leaders. The Resolutions Committee expressed its gratitude for the blessing of having this precious time to sing together as a community, as well as to those responsible for organizing the singing and those who traveled from afar. It also gave thanks to those responsible for creating, preserving, and teaching the tradition. The business meeting was closed.

Announcements were made. Allison Schofield, Deidra Montgomery, Julian Damashek, and Blake Sisemore led 146 as a closing song. Blake Sisemore offered the closing prayer.

Chairperson—Allison Schofield; Vice Chairperson—Deidra Montgomery; Secretary—Julian Damashek