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Iowa All Day Singing

Berwick Congregational Church, Berwick, Iowa

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The 7th session of the Iowa All Day Singing (formerly known as the Maquoketa River Singing) was held on June 7, 2008, at Berwick Congregational Church in Berwick, Iowa. The class was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Annie Grieshop leading 99. Sharla Hulsey offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Bryan Davis 33b; Bonnie Davis 31b; Michael Moore 299; Louise Tenenbaum 146; Charles Wells 503; Stephen Schmidgall 369; Melanie Hauff 277; Sharla Hulsey 86; Eleanor Haase 84; Jim Pfau 171; Colette Miller 348b; Karen Swenson 203; Judy Hauff 47b; Francis Gurtz 481; Matt Wells 456; Denise Kania 217.


Annie Grieshop brought the class back together leading 82t. Leaders: Steven Schmidgall 156; Charlotte Baldwin 77t; Lara Andersen 32t; Jim Solheim “Nebraska”; Stephen Conte 27; Eric Saylor 479; James Page 272; Michael Moore 232; Melanie Hauff 271t; Sharla Hulsey 40; Louise Tenenbaum 143; Eleanor Haase 454; Jim Pfau 300; Colette Miller 368; Matt Wells 504; Karen Swenson 174; Judy Hauff 215. Sharla Hulsey offered the blessing for lunch.


Annie Grieshop called the class to order leading 36b. Leaders: Denise Kania 114; Charles Wells 546; Francis Gurtz 550; Charlotte Baldwin 42; Jim Solheim 313b; Annie Grieshop 269; James Page “Maquoketa New”; Stephen Conte 296.

The memorial lesson for the sick and shut-ins was conducted by Bonnie Davis, who led 72b after reading the following names: Eleanor Phillips, Bob Scorgie, Bob Anderson, Dick Dunagan, Peg Pearson, Deb Kaye, Cindy Kissee, Tom Obert, and Sarah Hesnard.

Sharla Hulsey presented the memorial lesson for the following deceased: Robert Eifler—Nevada; William Bryan, Esther Elizabeth Pepin, Effie Marsh, Ben Meeks, and Thomas D. Lewis—Iowa; Margaret (no last name given)—California; Orrin (Bud) Sebby, Stewart Thompson, Myrtle Thompson, and Martin Lakomiak—Illinois; Val Dunagan’s brother—Pennsylvania; Jonathon Page—Vermont; LaRue Allen and Amanda Denson—Alabama. Sharla Hulsey led 510 to close the lesson.

Leaders: Michael Moore 487; Eric Saylor 444; Annie Grieshop 344.


Annie Grieshop brought the class to order leading 155. Leaders: Steven Schmidgall 496; Melanie Hauff 216; Bonnie Davis 30t; Eleanor Haase 312b; Sharla Hulsey 189; James Page 188; Annie Grieshop 117; Jim Pfau 480; Louis Tenenbaum 178; Colette Miller 436; Matt Wells 163t; Karen Swenson 475; Judy Hauff 250; Denise Kania 542; Charles Wells 45t; Francis Gurtz 500; Charlotte Baldwin 442; Jim Solheim 192; Stephen Conte 324; Eric Saylor 209.

After announcements, Annie Grieshop led 347, and Sharla Hulsey offered the closing prayer.

Chairperson—Annie Grieshop; Vice Chairperson—Bryan Davis; Secretary—Shirley Sprague