Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Marilou and Don Jolly Memorial

Poway, California

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The 11th annual Marilou and Don Jolly Memorial singing was called to order by Marion Black leading 52 (t? b?). Anitra Kaye offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Jerry Schreiber 184; Jeff Gauthier 39b.

A business meeting was held, and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-Chairmen—Jeff Gauthier and Carroll Lunsford; Secretary—Marc Weyl.

Leaders: Midge Harder 228; Steve Lazicki 107; Mimi Wright 106; Sharon Kermiet 48t; Anitra Kaye 171; John Marr 72b; Carla Smith 136; Darlene Dalton 309; Margie Neal 137; Laura Russell 506; Betty Marvin 441; Ron Huss 174; Carolyn Deacy 481; Rick Russell 201.


The class was brought together by Carroll Lunsford leading 303. Leaders: Jerry Schreiber 473; Karen Huss 454; Patricia Lazicki 148; David Olson 362; Al Grindon 229; Judy Getrich 288; Marion Black 76b; Jeff Gauthier 98; Sharon Kermiet 151; Anitra Kaye 129; Carla Smith 284; Margie Neal 128; Marc Weyl 159; Steve Lazicki 277; Mimi Wright 39t.


Jeff Gauthier brought class back into session by leading 32t. Leaders: Jerry Schreiber 550; Betty Marvin 55; Carroll Lunsford 322; Ron Huss 486; Patricia Lazicki 34b; David Olson 503; Al Grindon 40; Midge Harder 155; Jeff Gauthier 182; Carroll Lunsford 556; Marion Black 180. Chaplin Anitra Kaye offered grace for lunch.


Carroll Lunsford brought the afternoon session to order by leading 490. Carolyn Deacy 485; Marc Weyl 47t; Karen Huss 236; Mary Linn Freedman 235; John Marr 319; Darlene Dalton 203; Laura Russell 383; Jerry Schreiber 254 (dedicated to Marilou and Don Jolly); Rick Russell 349; Midge Harder 532; Al Grindon 147t; Carla Smith 421; Jeff Gauthier 299; Sharon Kermiet 215.


Carroll Lunsford brought the class to order by leading 390. Leaders: Betty Marvin 412; Ron Huss 143; Patricia Lazicki 312b; Marion Black 192; Mimi Wright 282; David Olson 330b; Judy Getrich 442; Steve Lazicki 74b; Anitra Kaye 457; Margie Neal 434; Darlene Dalton 312b.


Laura Russel brought the class back in session by leading 59. Leaders: Rick Russell 297; Sharon Kermiet 160b; Al Grindon 28b; John Marr 335; Carolyn Deacy 77t.

Following announcements, Carroll Lunsford led 62 as the closing song. Anitra Kaye offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairpersons—Jeff Gauthier and Carroll Lunsford; Secretary—Marc Weyl