Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Newton County Singing

Shoal Creek Primitive Baptist Church,
Covington, Newton County, Georgia

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The fifth session of the Newton County Singing was held at Shoal Creek Primitive Baptist Church near Covington in Newton County, Georgia on Saturday before the third Sunday in May. Chairman Charles Woods called the class to order by leading 77b. Hermon Wilkinson offered the opening prayer. Charles Woods led 31b; Herman Wilkinson 40, 47b, 145t; Arlene Woods 479, 268, 30 (t? b?).

In a business session, the class voted to retain the current officers: Chairman—Charles Woods; Vice Chairman—Herman Wilkinson; Secretary—Arlene Woods.

Leaders: Lee Rogers 145b, 61; Art Hargrove 63, 75; John Plunkett 48t, 311.


The class resumed singing with Myra Hargrove leading 45t. Leaders: Charlene Wallace and Alice Scott 491, 48t; Jane Spencer 49b, 390; Andy Anderson 28t, 146; Mike Spencer 401, 68b; Malinda Snow 143, 523; Howell Sorrells 168, 299; Marcena Wilkinson 101t, 354t.


Charles Woods brought the class back to order leading 127. Leaders: Lee Rogers 276; John Plunkett 74b, 74t; Carlene Griffin 155; Jane Spencer 360, 388; Charlene Wallace 421, 475; Andy Anderson 178, 503; Mike Spencer 312b; Herman Wilkinson 318; Malinda Snow 384, 287; Howell Sorrells 434, 312t; Pete Hunt 282; Jane Spencer and Andy Anderson 65; Charles Woods 77t.

Announcements were made, and Charles Woods led 569 (t? b?) as the closing song. Herman Wilkinson offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Charles Woods; Vice Chairman- Herman Wilkinson; Secretary—Alene Woods.