Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church

Eva, Morgan County, Alabama

May 25, 2003

The May Decoration Day Sacred Harp Singing held at Gum Pond Primitive Baptist Church was called to order by Chairman Milford Cobbs leading 46. The morning prayer was offered by Hershell King.

Leaders and selections were as follows: Milford Cobbs 143; Judy Caudle 33b; Brandon Thompson 274t, 335; Arvid Holmes 460; Hershell King 410t, 97; David Light 112, 172; Larry Ballinger 101t, 49t; Dennis George 360, 278b; Susan Harcrow 29t, 126; David Roberson 100, 275b; Marie Guthrie 434, 220; Bud Oliver 345t, 343.


The singing resumed with Chairman Milford Cobbs leading 323b. Leaders and selections: Robert Walker 63, 452; Lomax Ballinger 144, 300; Eldagene Roberson 399 (t? b?), 81t; Delone Cobbs 32t; Allison Ivey 31t, 138t; Jackson Harcrow 35, 48t; Blake Sizemore 59, 186; Stuart Ivey 171, 110; Sandra Light 143, 354b; Susan Holmes 441; Susan Holmes and Jane Long 313t; Elene Stovall 76b, 36b; Max Berueffy 64, 131b; Karen Ivey 273, 106.


After enjoying lunch and fellowship, the class was called to order by Milford Cobbs leading 334.

A memorial session was conducted by Elder Daniel Hopper. He made comments about past singings held at this place and the many faces that were missing from our congregation. He then offered prayer.

Judy Caudle led 459 in memory of Bera Bradford, Mamie Buckelew, Lessie Grant, Ruth Brown, Lavaughn Ballinger, and Coy Rasco. Jonathon Thompson and Brandon Thompson led 448t in memory of L.E. Hopper, Izella Hopper, Marvin Hopper, Willard Hopper, Pauline Cobbs, Talmadge Cobbs, and Alta Mae Self.

Also remembered were those who are sick or for other reasons could not attend the singing. Judy Caudle led 312b for Wilda Holmes, Herbert Cobbs, and Kimmie Holcomb.

Leaders and selections: David Ivey 500, 345b; Herby Bailey 565, 569b; Pinina Kane 61, 335; Craig Holmes 111t; Elvin Guthrie 163t, 310; Rodney Ivey 224, 215; Sandie Scott 317, 159; Marilyn Burchett 551, 72b; Ramona Light 380, 192; Nell Woodard and J.L. Hopper 108b (in memory of Reuben Woodard); Dan Hopper 139, 213b; Kenneth Fannin 30b, 189; J.L. Hopper 91, 369, 213t (by request of J.C. Rutledge).

Milford Cobbs led 45t as the closing hymn. The class was dismissed with prayer led by Elder J.L. Hopper.

Chairman—Milford Cobbs; Vice Chairman—Arvid Holmes; Secretary—Judy Caudle.