Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Boiling Springs Convention

Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church,
Oak Grove (near Sylacauga), Alabama

July 14, 2002

The annual Boiling Springs Convention was held at Oak Grove Primitive Baptist Church in the Oak Grove community, near Sylacauga, Alabama on the second Sunday in July.

The day of singing began with the class singing song on page 59. Elder Bufrey Dean offered the morning prayer. Elder Jonathan Blakeley led song on page 81t.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Elder Jonathan Blakeley; Vice Chairman—Jack Nelson; Secretary—Lacey Blakeley; Arranging Committee—Daniel Dean.

Leaders: Jack Nelson 30b, 164; Daniel Dean 39b, 39t; Deborah Ritch 40, 168; Kyle Blakeley 30t, 101t; Floy Wilder 373, 155; Gavin Blakeley 141, 123 (t? b?); Lacey Blakeley 67, 77 (t? b?); Elder Bufrey Dean 274 (t? b?), 46; Brenda Dean 417, 490.


Jack Nelson brought the class back to order leading songs on pages 491 and 313t. Leaders: Hilda Morrison 147t, 49b; Chita Blakeley 312b, 503; Ted Price 164, 300; Joseph Ritch 354b, 133, 108b; Virginia Futral 145b, 566.


Elder Jonathan Blakeley brought the afternoon session to order leading songs on pages 100, 64, and 278 (t? b?). Leaders: William Futral 340, 36b; Maudie Fredrick 426t, 317b; Douglas Conn 277, 159; Myra Goss 200, 145t; Kay Dean 59, 58; the class (special requests) 482, 480, 45t.

Songs on pages 126 and 418 were led in memory of O’dell Cleveland and song on page 369 was led in memory of A.L. Beckett.

Announcements were made. Elder Jonathan Blakeley, Jack Nelson, Lacy Blakeley, and Daniel Dean led song on page 129 as the closing song. Doug Conn led the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Elder Jonathan Blakeley; Vice Chairman—Jack Nelson; Secretary—Lacey Blakeley.