Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Alvis Brothers and B.I. Wood Memorial Singing

Pilgrim’s Rest Primitive Baptist Church, Attalla, Alabama

Saturday, November 4, 2000

The annual Sacred Harp Memorial Singing for Alvis Brothers and B.I. Wood was held at Pilgrim’s Rest Primitive Baptist Church in Attalla, Alabama on Saturday before the first Sunday in November. Ron Crocker brought the class to order leading song on page 378t. Hershell King offered the morning prayer. Ron Crocker led song on page 146.

The class organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ron Crocker; Vice Chairman—Randall Smith; Secretary—Hazel Brothers; Arranging Committee—Ella Ruth Chamblee and Ruby Brothers.

Leaders: Andrew Crocker 274t, 128; Seth Crocker 143, 39b; Amy Crocker 48t, 490; Douglas Conn 61, 278b; Judy Caudle 175, 313t; Doris Brown, Billie Dean Waid, and Gloria Hutchens 144, 63, 566; Phil Brothers and Chase Tanner 274 (t? b?), 358; Helen Lambert 106, 332; J.L. Hopper 145t, 540; Deborah Ritch 89, 168.


Ron Crocker brought the class to order leading song on page 129. Leaders: Linda Thomas 489, 471; Rhoda Norris 460, 137; Danielle Crocker 49t, 457; Carmon Brothers 172, 340; Lydia Baswell and Vella Dailey 145b, 452; Hershell King 35, 410t; Lamar Smith and Randall Smith 76b, 343b.


The afternoon session began with Ron Crocker leading song on page 47t. Leaders: Joseph Ritch 133, 354b; Hazel Brothers, Kathy Brothers, Phil Brothers, Lavell Brothers, Brenda Brothers, Rodger Brothers, Sherry Tanner, Chase Tanner, Randy Brothers, Lynne Brothers, and Brandy Brothers 100, 373, 45t; Carmon Brothers, Billie Dean Waid, Doris Brown, and Gloria Hutchens 146, 348b; Carmon Brothers 339, 277 (in memory of J.L. Oden and Mary Oden); Lamar Smith and Randall Smith 571 (CB), 501 (CB) (for the sick and shut-ins); Carmon Brothers 544b; Helen Lambert and Bernice Greer 235 (in memory of Ervin Brothers), 75 (in memory of Clarence Smith and Pearlie Smith); Randall Smith 36b (to commemorate the wedding anniversaries of Lamar Smith and Mary Smith, married 64 years, and Carmon Brothers and Ruby Brothers, married 60 years).

Ron Crocker led song on page 84 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by Brother J.L. Hopper.

Chairman—Ron Crocker; Vice Chairman—Randall Smith; Secretary—Hazel Brothers.