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Mississippi State Sacred Harp Convention

Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, North of Forest, Mississippi

August 26-27, 2000

Saturday, August 26

The Mississippi State Sacred Harp Singing Convention convened at Antioch Primitive Baptist Church in its seventy-second annual session on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in August for two days of worship in song service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when and where the following proceedings were had, to-wit:

The convention was called to order by President Mark Davis leading song on page 37b. President Mark Davis welcomed everyone to the seventy-second session of the Mississippi State Sacred Harp Singing Convention and recognized Alfred Bailey, host to the convention. Mark Davis led song on page 48t, and Chaplain Arlon Gardner led the opening prayer. Mark Davis led song on page 47b and then appointed Nancy Van den Akker and Junie McNeil as the Arrangement Committee.

Vice President John Van Horn led songs on pages 203 and 440; Secretary Jean Gray led songs on pages 82t and 297; Chaplain Arlon Gardner led songs on pages 448t and 39t.

The following program was presented. Leaders: Nancy Van den Akker 575 (CB), 573; John Etheridge 155 (CH); Robert Handel 51 (CH), 49 (CH); Ernestine Pipkin 276, 209; Bill Hogan 101 (CH), 50 (CH); Kelly Beard 117 (CH), 390; Cheryl Foreman 324.

President Mark Davis appointed Tim Gray, Billy Hollingsworth, and Hugh McGuire to the Business and Credentials Committee.


President Mark Davis brought the class to order leading song on page 36b. Leaders: Wanda Gregg 40, 460; Hugh McGuire 365, 375; Regina Foster 383, 328; Billy Hollingsworth 49b, 250; Tim Gray 268, 46; John Hollingsworth 236; John Kanode 571 (CB), 229.

President Mark Davis appointed Ester Mann and Wanda Gregg as the Memorial Committee.


After a bountiful lunch the singing resumed for the afternoon session. Leaders: Mark Davis 218; Linda Funderburk 373, 290; Baron Powers 85, 159; T.J. Funderburk 563 (CB), 147 (t? b?); Dennis Cranford 277, 178; Junie McNeil 43 (CH), 64; Darlene Reynolds and Steve Kelly 175 (CH), 201; Mike McNeil 172 (CH), 204t (CH); Hugh Bill McGuire, Hugh McGuire, and Henry McGuire 507b (CH), 63 (CH) (in memory of Hugh Bill’s father who was born in 1908, the same year as when the song was written), 63 (in honor of Mae Ola Nelson); Charles Franklin 480 (CH), 85.


The singing resumed as follows: Vice President John Van Horn 384; Andrew Albers 144b (CH), 195; Harves Quartet 505 (CB); Henry McGuire 442, 220; Robert Jahweks 417.

President Mark Davis called for a motion to open the convention for business to elect officers. A motion was made and seconded to retain the same officers: President—Mark Davis; Vice President—John Van Horn; Secretary—Jean Gray; Chaplain—Arlon Gardner. The business session was closed.

Leaders: W.M. Allen 490; Georgia Kanode 395b (CB) (in memory of her brother, Ed Craig, who passed away); Mark Davis 572 (for Mae Ola Nelson); John Etheridge and Hugh Bill McGuire 503; Harvey Beemon 281 (CH) (for Mr. Dansky); Hugh McGuire 454.

A motion was made and carried to adjourn. After announcements, President Mark Davis led the “Drone”. The session was closed with prayer led by Chaplain Arlon Gardner.

Sunday, August 27

President Mark Davis opened the Sunday session by extending a welcome to everyone and led songs on pages 30t and 123t. Chaplain Arlon Gardner led the morning prayer.

Leaders: Mark Davis 74b; John Van Horn 89, 183; Jean Gray 108 (t? b?), 170; Arlon Gardner 410 (t? b?), 166b; Nancy Van den Akker 25b (CH), 149; Ernestine Pipkin 82 (t? b?), 108b; Kelly Beard 503, 229; Cheryl Foreman 497 (CB), 300; T.J. Funderburk 61, 569b; Wanda Gregg 288, 120.


The singing resumed with the following leaders: Mark Davis 179; Junie McNeil 32t, 319; Mark Davis 117 (CH) (requested by Alfred Bailey, host); Charles Franklin 342, 68b; Bill Hollingsworth 146, 551b; Linda Funderburk 358, 37b; Darlene Reynolds and Steve Kelly 145t, 145b; Robert Handel 234, 41 (CB).


Vice President John Van Horn brought the afternoon session to order leading song on page 101t. Leaders: Andrew Albers 271b (CB), 524; Andy Davis 254, 269; Regina Foster 215, 369 (for Dr. Wilma Mitchell who was unable to attend); John Kanode 49t (CB), 7 (CH); Hugh McGuire 196, 68t; Baron Powers 457, 85; Tim Cook 284 (CH), 448t; Mako Cook 515 (CH), 301.

At 2:00 p.m. a business session was held for the purpose of hearing committee reports.

The Business and Credentials Committee gave the following report: We report that several counties and states are represented at the convention with delegates and visitors. We find a quorum present. We collected $370.00 and added to the $536.62 in Newton County Bank, for a total of $906.62. A motion was carried to give Antioch Church $125.00 for expenses with thanks. Respectfully submitted by: Tim Gray, Bill Hollingsworth, and Hugh McGuire.

The Memorial Committee, Wanda Gregg and Ester Mann, led 339 (“When I Am Gone”) and 235b (“Long Sought Home”) in memory of the following deceased: Walter Dansby, Ruby Easley, Durward Scarborough, Neva Dee Mayes, and Agnes Hollingsworth—Mississippi; Ed Craig—Texas; Willie Mosley, Ruby Phillips, Herbert Phillips, Horace Batchelor, David Terry Davis, and Walter Wyers—Alabama; Karen House—New York.

The Resolutions and Hospitality Committee, Andrew Albers and Regina Foster, gave the following report:

(1) We resolve to thank our Creator for the opportunity to praise Him in song.

(2) We thank Mr. Alfred Bailey and all the members of Antioch Primitive Baptist Church for the invitation, work, and use of their fine facility.

(3) We thank all the singers and members of the community for delicious dinner both days.

(4) We thank the Chairman and all officers for their labor to make the convention a success, and willingness to serve another year.

(5) We thank everyone who came to listen and sing both days.

(6) We thank everyone that worked, including members of all committees.

All reports were approved as read.


A special welcome and thanks were extended to out of state visitors. Visitors invited to lead were: Nancy Van den Akker 142 (CH); John Kanode 500; Wanda Gregg 408; Robert Handel 81t (CH); Tim Cook and Mako Cook 393t (CB), 341 (requested by Aldred Bailey); Hugh Bill McGuire 344 (CB), 522 (CB).

Brother T.J. Funderburk gave thanks to the church for lunch in the name of Jesus. Announcements were called for, and then a motion to adjourn. The “Drone” was sung. Chaplain Arlon Gardner dismissed the class with prayer.

President—Mark Davis; Vice President—John Van Horn; Secretary—Jean Gray.