Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
would 56 occurrences, 47 verses, 43 songs
A palace a toy would appear | |
All but an adamant would melt | |
And I’d praise God in His bright abode. | |
And prisons would palaces prove | |
Fain would my eyes my Savior see | |
Fearless I’d launch away. | |
He asked if I for him would die: | |
He found he’d lost a bone. | |
How would I vent my sighs! | |
How would it cheer my drooping mind! | |
I fain would strive for more | |
I’d cross o’er Jordan’s stormy waves | |
I would fly away and be at rest | |
I’d fly to see my God above. | |
I’d rise superior to my pain | |
I would see Jesus when the flow’rs | |
I’d soar and touch the heav’nly strings | |
I’d soar away above the sky | |
I’d spread my want before His face | |
I’d to those rivers fly | |
I would transcribe and make them mine. | |
If Jesus would dwell with me there. | |
If she would gain this heav’nly land. | |
In all my afflictions to Thee would I come | |
Let all who would wish to see Millennium begin | |
Lord from hence we would not go | |
Many souls who thought they’d light | |
My soul would stretch her wings in haste | |
My summer would last all the year. | |
Oh, if my Lord would come and meet | |
“Oh my son! Would to God I had died | |
Oh, then, who would not climb such a ladder as this? | |
She said she’d meet me when I come. | |
Still would my spirit rest on Thee | |
Sure I must fight if I would reign | |
Then, Father, would I turn from all | |
They’d gain true happiness. | |
To Thee my thoughts would soar | |
We’d rather sigh and groan than live. | |
When the world and flesh would rise | |
Would banish all our fears. | |
’Twould dry our briny tears | |
Would He devote that sacred head | |
Would here no longer stay! | |
Would light on some sweet promise there | |
Would make any change in my mind. | |
Would reap where they have sown. |