Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

thus 24 occurrences, 19 verses, 22 songs

And thus begin to sing

562 Infinite Delight

And thus conclude their song.

152 Shepherds Rejoice

And thus his prayer addressed.

44 The Converted Thief

And thus I found the heav’nly way.

204 Mission

And thus, in dying anguish said:

37t Ester

And thus surround the throne.

31b Webster

481 Novakoski

I should, were He always thus nigh

127 Green Fields

Oh did my dear Jesus thus bleed

104 The Lovely Story

Thus Christ the Lord appears

296 Sardinia

Thus far His pow’r prolonged my days

566 Hebron

Thus far the Lord hath led me on

482 Mulberry Grove

566 Hebron

Thus Gabriel sang and straight around

152 Shepherds Rejoice

Thus may we abide in union

56t Columbiana

Thus might I hide my blushing face

310 Weeping Savior

Thus poor blind Bartimeus prayed

52b Charlestown

56b Villulia

458 Friendship

Thus saith the high and lofty One:

174 Petersburg

Thus we’ll surround the great white throne

55 Sister’s Farewell

Thus will I sing till nature cease

434 Fillmore

’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far

45t New Britain

105 Jewett