Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

think 17 occurrences, 13 verses, 13 songs

And think how near it stands

440 North Salem

But let them think and think again

406 New Harmony

Dear Savior, think on me

44 The Converted Thief

I sometimes think myself inclined

287 Cambridge

I still will think of thee.

414 Parting Friend

I’ll think of thee both night and day

414 Parting Friend

Ne’er think the vict’ry won

147b Laban

372 Rockport

Oh think before you die.

321 Newnan

Some think if they could riches gain

98 Dull Care

Think of the crown all the ransomed shall wear

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

Think of the tribes so dearly bought

49b Mear

Think who has died His beloved to save

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

Which makes me think that I am wrong.

317 Jackson