Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
strength 15 occurrences, 14 verses, 15 songs
And gives me strength for days to come. | |
But, when I cry, “My strength renew,” | |
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone | |
In Thy name and Thy strength shall soon put to flight. | |
March on in your Redeemer’s strength | |
My strength and my Redeemer. | |
No, He will put His strength in me | |
No, in the strength of Jesus, no! | |
Oh give me submission, and strength as my day | |
Oh Lord, give me strength by day | |
Our friend, protector, strength and trust | |
Put forth your strength, put forth your rod | |
’Tis by Thy strength the mountains stand | |
While I of Thy strength receive |