Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

shed 17 occurrences, 14 verses, 17 songs

And fresh supplies of joy are shed

48t Devotion

And shed a joyful tear

67 Columbus

And smile at the tears I have shed.

571 Penitence

Come, shed abroad a Savior’s love

371 Heavenly Dove

He shed forth His blood as the cost.

104 The Lovely Story

He shed those tears for thee.

33t Weeping Savior

I’ll need no more shed a tear.

55 Sister’s Farewell

Lord, shed a beam of heav’nly day

93 Frozen Heart

No more to sigh or shed a tear

134 The Christian’s Hope

368 Stony Point

Oh, His blood was shed that we might live

480 Redemption

Shed not a tear o’er your friend’s early bier

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

So freely shed for me.

328 Praise God

422 Burdette

To shed its quick’ning beams

138b Ogletree

Where no farewell tear is shed.

118 Stockwood