Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
salvation 36 occurrences, 29 verses, 28 songs
And find salvation through Thy blood | |
And grants salvation full and free | |
And shout salvation as I fly! | |
And shout salvation when I die. | |
And taught me the way of salvation to find. | |
Bids you His salvation sing. | |
Free salvation is proclaimed | |
Full salvation to each heart. | |
Glory, honor, and salvation | |
Great salvation, don’t reject it | |
He poured salvation on a wretch | |
I strove salvation then to buy | |
I want to shout Salvation’s story | |
Lo! He sends salvation free | |
My hope, my salvation, my all. | |
My soul on His salvation waits. | |
Neglecting their salvation. | |
Of Thy salvation, Lord | |
Salvation! Let the echo fly | |
Salvation! O the joyful sound | |
Sing the great salvation | |
That wafts salvation down to man | |
The earnest of complete salvation | |
Till the salvation come | |
To show’r salvation down. | |
Visit us with Thy Salvation | |
When our salvation’s Rock we praise. | |
Who bring salvation on their tongues | |
With salvation’s walls surrounded |