Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
once 22 occurrences, 21 verses, 18 songs
And thy once blooming cheek bears an ominous glow. | |
He spake at once, my sins forgiv’n | |
His footsteps are feeble, once fearless and bold | |
I once could mourn o’er dying men | |
I once was lost, but now am found | |
I want to sing His praises once again | |
Oh, once I had a glorious view | |
On Jesus once descended | |
Once I could joy the saints to meet | |
Once she was all alive to Thee | |
Rejoicing they’ll see us as they once have been. | |
That I once more may find her? | |
There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord | |
Thou didst once a wretch behold | |
Thy blood, dear Jesus, once was spilt | |
To the Lamb, who once was slain | |
Turn o’er my pillow once again | |
What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! | |
Where once Thy churches prayed and sang | |
Where once Thy glory stood. | |
Who did once upon the cross |