Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
light 37 occurrences, 37 verses, 28 songs
A light to shine upon the road | |
Adieu, ye proud, ye light and gay | |
All the light of sacred story | |
And dwell with Him in light. | |
And in that light of life I’ll walk | |
And light and life convey. | |
And the light shineth in darkness | |
Arrayed in robes of light | |
But was sent to bear witness of that light | |
Christ the light, yon setting sun | |
Floods of everlasting light | |
He sheds the beams of light divine | |
“I am this dark world’s light | |
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men | |
It spreads diviner light | |
John was not that Light | |
Light and life to all He brings | |
Light and love upon my way | |
Many souls who thought they’d light | |
Rest in future life and light. | |
So purer light shall mark the road | |
The children of the Light. | |
The glorious light of Jesus | |
The glorious light of Zion | |
The light’s from me withdrawn. | |
The true light that cometh into the world | |
There are regions of light, there are mansions of bliss | |
These spacious fields of brilliant light | |
They come, they come on wings of light | |
Till morning light appears. | |
Triumphant passed the crystal ports of light | |
When morning brings the light | |
When the sun, or the light | |
Where’er the radiant light appears. | |
Who came to bear witness of that light | |
With all your feeble light | |
Would light on some sweet promise there |