Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

joys 38 occurrences, 32 verses, 31 songs

All th’ecstatic joys that spring

139 Elysian

And all the joys I have

527 My Life and Breath

And let our joys be known:

31b Webster

481 Novakoski

And let your joys be known

52t Albion

And makes my joys complete.

527 My Life and Breath

But lo! what sudden joys we see!

163t Morning

But never knew substantial joys

204 Mission

Far from the sphere of mortal joys

39t Detroit

For all my joys are gone

67 Columbus

For joys that shall never depart.

123t The Dying Christian

For present joys, for blessings past

318 Present Joys

Home, thy joys are passing lovely

385b Can I Leave You?

How long my hopes of joys above

278t Love Shall Never Die

In God, the life of all my joys

386 Christ Our Song

Joys no stranger heart can tell

385b Can I Leave You?

Joys that from all time abide.

532 Peace and Joy

Joys which earth cannot afford.

56t Columbiana

May speak their joys abroad.

31b Webster

52t Albion

481 Novakoski

My God, the spring of all my joys

546 My Brightest Days

550 Blissful Dawning

No period then our joys shall know

460 Sardis

Now shall my inward joys arise

178 Africa

Oh, the delights, the heav’nly joys

362 Norwich

536 Sweet Majesty

Oh, what immortal joys I felt

67 Columbus

Pray ye the Lord that my joys ye shall share

339 When I Am Gone

Scorn the world’s pretended joys.

523 Pleyel’s Hymn

That leads to joys on high

278t Love Shall Never Die

Their joys are still increasing

101b Holy City

Thy joys when shall I see?

235 Long Sought Home

To live where joys are ever known.

505 Where Ceaseless Ages Roll

When you shall say, My joys are gone.

272 Exhortation

Where true joys abound

369 Send A Blessing

Your joys on earth will soon be gone

37b Liverpool

215 New Topia