Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
hand 39 occurrences, 34 verses, 34 songs
A hand divine shall lead you on | |
And Christians joining heart and hand. | |
And did Thy hand confess | |
And many sore conflicts on every hand | |
Be found at Thy right hand? | |
Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand | |
For the kingdom of heaven is at hand | |
Gently lead us by the hand | |
His own soft hand shall wipe the tears | |
It touched and glanced on ev’ry hand. | |
Kept by a Father’s hand, love cannot die | |
Lo, the Bridegroom is at hand | |
Long for a cooling stream at hand | |
No more beneath th’oppressive hand | |
Nor dwell at Thy right hand | |
On ev’ry side I find Thy hand | |
On the left hand, where He doth work | |
Pray, give to me your hand | |
Reach me out Thy gracious Hand | |
Stand fast with sword in hand | |
That we must take the parting hand. | |
The lowest place at His right hand | |
The mighty hand of God doth reign | |
The road that leads to His right hand | |
The seats of their offspring, as ranged on each hand | |
The work of the almighty hand. | |
Thy hand from whence my being come. | |
Thy hand revolves my circling hours | |
Thy ruling hand I see! | |
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. | |
Was called by death’s cold hand away. | |
We’ll no more take the parting hand. | |
With heart and hand wide open | |
Yet we must take the parting hand. |