Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

glories 14 occurrences, 11 verses, 14 songs

“Amid the glories of that world

44 The Converted Thief

And make His glories known.

196 Alabama

And spreads his glories to the west

242 Ode on Science

Declares the glories of Thy name

202 New Lebanon

Ere all its glories stand revealed

121 Florence

His head with awful glories crowned.

120 Chambers

Oh, could I sound the glories forth

396 Notes Almost Divine

Shows me the glories of my God

527 My Life and Breath

The glories of my God and king

88b Mount Zion

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

The glories of the place

362 Norwich

536 Sweet Majesty

Whose glories shine through endless days.

32t Corinth