Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

forth 16 occurrences, 11 verses, 15 songs

And the vast generations of man are come forth.

149 The Trumpet

Bring forth the royal diadem

63 Coronation

198 Green Street

314 Cleburne

485 New Agatite

Burst forth from ev’ry eye.

33t Weeping Savior

Burst forth in strains of joyfulness

312t Sing to Me of Heaven

He shed forth His blood as the cost.

104 The Lovely Story

I shall come forth as gold.

67 Columbus

462 Faith and Hope

Oh, could I sound the glories forth

396 Notes Almost Divine

Pouring forth a flood of tears?

59 Holy Manna

Put forth your strength, put forth your rod

487 Soldier’s Delight

Sound forth Immanuel’s praise.

138b Ogletree

Will now go forth to meet Him.

495 The Midnight Cry