Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
faith 31 occurrences, 28 verses, 29 songs
A little faith doth mighty deeds | |
And faith in lively exercise | |
And faith points upward to the sky. | |
And sail by faith upon that flood | |
And still how weak my faith is found | |
And thousands by faith are now climbing it still. | |
By faith its delights I explore | |
By faith we know a world above | |
E’er since by faith I saw the stream | |
Faith like a little mustard seed | |
From faith and hope may grow. | |
I feel my faith declining | |
In humble notes our faith adores | |
Increase, Oh Lord, our faith and hope | |
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word | |
Let deep repentance, faith, and love | |
Let faith exalt her joyful voice | |
Of faith, and hope, and love | |
Our humble faith is made to rise | |
Pray, brethren, pray, the prayer of faith availeth | |
Rise, brethren, rise, your souls by faith ascending | |
Stephen’s faith and spirit show | |
Strong in faith, in love and hope. | |
The work of faith will not be done | |
Though sundered far, by faith they meet | |
To prove our faith as on we go | |
We walk by faith as strangers here | |
Yet, oh! by faith I see |