Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
eye 29 occurrences, 22 verses, 28 songs
A quick discerning eye | |
An all sustaining eye | |
And cast a wishful eye | |
And guard me with a watchful eye | |
And now in thine eye shines the fond, parting tear. | |
And to Thy gracious eye present | |
Beyond the pomp that charms the eye | |
Bright in that happy land beams ev’ry eye | |
Burst forth from ev’ry eye. | |
From ev’ry weeping eye | |
He looked on me with pitying eye | |
Hope wipes the tear from sorrow’s eye | |
Lie just before mine eye | |
My lifted eye, without a tear | |
Serve with a single heart and eye | |
Thine eye commands with piercing view | |
To our admiring eye. | |
To Thee lift up mine eye | |
Unto the raptured eye. | |
Valleys lie low before His eye | |
Where shall our nation turn its eye | |
Yet there was something in his eye |