Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

came 15 occurrences, 13 verses, 15 songs

And for sinners came to die, what love.

491 Oh, What Love

Came flying all abroad.

291 Majesty

He came from heav’n our souls to save

478 My Rising Sun

He came of low estate

355 Anthem on the Savior

His disciples came unto Him.

507 Sermon on the Mount

I came to Jesus and I drank

75 I Would See Jesus

I came to the place where the lone pilgrim lay

341 The Lone Pilgrim

In those days came John the Baptist

232 Baptismal Anthem

572 The Lamb of God

On whom the Spirit came

123b Cross of Christ

The angel of the Lord came down

186 Sherburne

461 Shining Star

Until He came, my soul to bless

373 Homeward Bound

Whither he went or whence he came

164 Duane Street

Who came to bear witness of that light

553 Anthem on the Beginning