Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
beneath 20 occurrences, 18 verses, 20 songs
And sinners plunged beneath that flood | |
Base as the dirt beneath the feet | |
Beneath a burning sky | |
Beneath God’s righteous frown | |
Beneath the gratitude I owe. | |
’Neath the ocean’s briny surf. | |
Beneath the sacred throne of God | |
Go, search the world beneath | |
It plants my soul beneath the sun | |
Long have I sat beneath the sound | |
My silent dust beneath the ground | |
No more beneath th’oppressive hand | |
Of Him who groans beneath your load | |
One church above, beneath. | |
The billows roll beneath your feet | |
’Tis found beneath the mercy seat. | |
What help remains beneath the sky? | |
When beneath to their darkness the wicked are driv’n |