Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
been 24 occurrences, 18 verses, 22 songs
And He has been with us | |
Dear father, you’ve been kind to me | |
How many years has man been driv’n | |
My friends have been so good to me | |
My grief a burden long has been | |
My joy through life has been to sing | |
My life has been to sing God’s praise | |
My soul’s delight has been to sing | |
“Of me thou hast not been ashamed | |
Redeeming love has been my theme | |
Rejoicing they’ll see us as they once have been. | |
Say, if in your tents my beloved has been | |
Since together we have been | |
Thy life has been brief as a midsummer day | |
To us the high boon, by the gods has been granted | |
When we’ve been there ten thousand years | |
Your company has been delightful | |
Your love to me has been most free |