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Liberty Decoration Day Singing

Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The annual Liberty Decoration Day Sacred Harp singing was held on the first Sunday in June. The class was called to order by Shane Wootten, who welcomed everyone and led 59. Dennis George offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Shane Wootten 47t; Scott Ivey 82t; Nicholas Thompson 222 (in memory of Coy Ivey and Bill Windom); Loyd Ivey 89; Judy Chambless 318; Boyd Scott 358.


The class assembled at the cemetery for the memorial lesson. Shane Wootten led 571 (CB). Loyd Ivey led 511b (CB) and 500 (CB). Shane Wootten led 45t.


The class was brought back to order by Shane Wootten, Rodney Ivey, and Tony Ivey leading 39b. Prayer was offered by Tony Ivey.

Leaders: Daryl Chesney 34b (in memory of Richard Chesney); David Killingsworth 290; Paul Figura 73t (in memory of Bud Oliver); Garrett Morton 324.

The class paused to honor Coy Ivey and witness the presentation of a lifetime achievement award from the Sacred Harp Publishing Company. Shane Wootten spoke of Coy; his love of Sacred Harp traditions, and his contributions to the preservation and perpetuation of Sacred Harp and the Sacred Community. Karen Rollins read the plaque. Shane recognized several members of the Sacred Harp Publishing Company present. Then, the Coy and Marie Ivey family members gathered in the square to lead 384.

Leaders: Jared Wootten, Chelsey Wootten, and Annie Grace Wootten 472; Deborah Taube 99; Karen Rollins and Denney Rogers 129; Meredith Ivey 445; Abigail Huckaby 77t; Earl Ballinger 217; Deborah Morton 299; Alex Forsyth 411; Lisa Geist 269. Marty Wootten asked a blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Shane Wootten and Syble Adams leading 171. Leaders: Blake Sisemore and Mamie Sisemore 532; Barrett Patton and Bailey Patton 187 (in memory of Paul and Bob Greeson); Lauren Bock and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 56t; Silas Huckaby 475; Shirley Figura 31t; Daniel Lee and Susan Cherones 278t; Beverly Coates 107 (for Sonny Huckaby); Robert Chambless 77b; Judy Caudle 348b; Peter Trumbore 480; Reba Windom, Avare Gazz, and Shelby Castillo 430; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 432; Ainslie Allen 460; Nate Green and Norma Green 549; Dennis George and Tom George 328 (in memory of Mattie Townsel); Kelsey Ivey and Meredith Ivey 522; Terry Wootten 465 (CB); Bruce Coates 566.


Scott Ivey and Jamey Wootten led 58 to bring the class together. Leaders: Larry Ballinger and Chris Ballinger 215; Betty Shepherd and Garrett Morton 216; Richard Ivey, Karen Ivey, and Everett Ivey 182; Cassie Allen and Wanda Capps 120; Shane Brown and Jayden Hunt 146; Prisca Rice 137; Rodney Ivey and Cheyenne Ivey 442; Sarah Huckaby 344; Ann Jett 327; Samuel Williams 354t; Elene Stovall and Rodney Ivey 30b; Rebekah Gilmore 440; Marty Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Brooke Smith 166; Joyce Morton 406; Phil Summerlin 97; Sandy Ivey 201; Aaron Wootten 101t; Marian Biddle and Loyd Ivey 454; Jackie Tanner, David Ivey, and Tammye Jett 298. Announcements were made.

Scott Ivey, Terry Wootten, and Jamey Wootten led 46 as the closing song. Terry Wootten offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Shane Wootten; Vice Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary pro-tem—Nicholas Thompson