Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing

Union Primitive Baptist Church, Johnstonville, Georgia

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The 12th annual Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in April. There was a brief introduction to Sacred Harp singing presented by Oscar McGuire and Harry Eskew. Harry Eskew called the class to order leading 49t. John Hollingsworth offered the morning prayer.

A business session was conducted with the following officers elected to serve: Chairman—Harry Eskew; Vice Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Helen Bryson. Harry Eskew and John Hollingsworth offered tributes to the life of Raymond Hamrick. Today’s singing is dedicated to his memory. Some singers shared their memories and stories of Raymond.

Leaders: Oscar McGuire 34b; Helen Bryson 569t, 492; John Hollingsworth 354t (in honor of Raymond Hamrick and Monroe Denton), 111b; Jesse Karlsberg 540, 466 (in memory of Joyce Harrison); Mary Brownlee 47b, 556; Malinda Snow 288 (for Shirley Dumas), 547; David Smead 461, 208; Lisa Bennett 506, 535; Bill Hollingsworth 415, 91; Robby Rivers 480, 339; Rosemund Watson 503, 94.


Oscar McGuire called the class to order leading 56t. Leaders: Wayne Watson 68t; Darien Merritt 569b, 298; Martha Allman 358, 136; Martha Harrell 542; Shannon Primm 484, 47t; Helen Bryson 287; Malinda Snow 373; Mary Brownlee 78; David Smead 328; Lisa Bennett 337; Harry Eskew 40, 146; Shannon Primm 63; Martha Harrell 178; Bill Hollingsworth 341; Oscar McGuire and Glenn Snider 171; Jesse Karlsberg 571; Martha Allman 340; David Grant 303 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Rosemund Watson 149.

Announcements were made. Rosemund Watson led 347 as closing song. The closing prayer was offered by David Grant.

Chairman—Harry Eskew; Vice Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Helen Bryson