Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Young People’s Convention

Immanuel Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee

August 28, 1999

The nineteenth annual Young People’s Convention was held at Immanuel Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in August. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Seth Holloway leading song on page 30t. The morning prayer was led by Chaplain Martha Lang.

Officers were appointed prior to the singing: Chairman—Seth Holloway; Vice Chairperson—Kiri Miller; Secretary—Mark Miller; Finance Committee—Duncan Vinson; Arranging Committee—Kelly House and Mark Miller; Chaplain—Martha Lang; Locating Committee—Kelly House.

Leaders: Seth Holloway 388; Kiri Miller 229; Mark Miller 422; Martha Lang 107; Kelly House 131b; Ginnie Ely 54b; Virginia Douglas 49b; David Carlton 100; Karen Arnett 147t; Marilyn Burchett 81t; Gordon Wilkinson 112; Paula McGray 48t; John Bealle 192; Eloise Clark 89; Hibbard Thatcher 268; Sarah Smith 129.


Duncan Vinson reconvened the class leading song on page 421. Leaders: Bob Meek 452b; Sandie Scott 40 with Wongshu Chun 117; Gary Smith and Tycho de Boer 569b; Tim Reynolds 200 (for Linda Sides); Lewis Frost 73b; Nathan Kast 236; Kurtis Heacox 59; Laurens Blankers 515; Paula McGray 411; David Carlton 86; Karen Arnett 198.


Seth Holloway called the class together leading song on page 354b. Ginnie Ely led song on page 215; Clayton Ezell 300.

The chair then introduced the Memorial Committee. Considering the large number of new singers in attendance, Paula McGray began the lesson with a description of the lesson, its form and purpose, saying that in the Memorial Lesson, we remember those people who have passed on for a whole year to help us to deal with their deaths.

Kiri Miller read the names of the sick and shut-in and led song on page 340 for them. She remarked that she had hoped that it would have been a few more years before she would have to lead a memorial lesson which memorialized a close friend of hers, and exhorted the class to contact those they knew on the list before they pass on to the “other list.” The sick and shut-in included: Francis Lymbad—Tennessee; Patsy Linker—Kentucky; Elsie Beasley, Virgil Phillips, and Ruby Phillips—Alabama; John Bailey—Illinois; Dorothy Garber and Susan Garber—Connecticut.

Paula McGray read the names of the deceased and led song on page 285t in memory of: Margaret Wright, Harold Fair, Leon Ed Denson, Lila Hamilton, and Joe R. Moore—Tennessee; Tom Perry—Rhode Island. Martha Lang closed the Memorial Lesson with prayer. Leaders: John Bealle 507; Steven Lambert 196; Kerene Box 405; Amber Springfield 58; Kelly House 442.

After announcements and directions regarding dinner, Martha Lang gave the blessing.


Kiri Miller called the class together by leading song on page 270.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds and Christi List 313b; Bob Meek, Veronica Heacox, Audrey Kast, and Cara Kast 63; Seth Holloway, Anna Kast, and Sherry Kast 394; Jon Gregg 29b; Martha Lang 455; Gordon Wilkinson 434; Mark Miller 39t; Lewis Frost 178; Duncan Vinson 207; Eloise Clark 64; Hibbard Thatcher 479; Nathan Kast 148; Kurtis Heacox 45t; Laurens Blankers 334; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Sarah Smith 108 (t? b?); Gary Smith 31t.


Kiri Miller called the class together for the final session with song on page 56b. Leaders: Ginnie Ely 328; Clayton Ezell 358; Steven Lambert 47b; Kerene Box 28b; Amber Springfield 391; Jon Gregg 347; Karen Arnett 276; Paula McGray 188; Duncan Vinson 326; Eloise Clark 189; Louis Frost 147b; John Bealle 217.

Announcements of upcoming singings were made.

The location of next year’s Young People’s Singing was discussed. An invitation was read by Chairman Seth Holloway which was submitted by the Western Massachusetts Shape Note community to hold next year’s singing in Northampton, Massachusetts. In the absence of other proposals, the Chairman moved that the next year’s singing be held in Northampton, Massachusetts. The motion was seconded by Kiri Miller and chosen by unanimous consent.

By a similar method, Tim Eriksen was elected Chairman.

Chairman Seth Holloway proceeded to thank numerous individuals for their contributions to the singing, including but not limited to the various officers and committee members, Tim Reynolds, and David Carlton, as well as their respective churches, for help with facilities, and especially the local singers who prepared the wonderful dinner.

David Carlton then thanked the individuals who traveled far to participate in the singing, and Kiri Miller motioned that the minutes reflect the class’s appreciation for the efforts of the Chairman, Seth Holloway. The motion was quickly seconded and unanimously assented.

The Arranging Committee reported that the singing had seen 53 registrants, including 31 leaders leading 70 songs. The following states were represented: Tennessee—29; Alabama—3; Kentucky—7; Indiana—5; Ohio—3; Illinois—2; Rhode Island—2; and Massachusetts—2.

Seth Holloway and Gary Smith led “Happy Birthday” for Sarah Smith, whose birthday was the following day.

Seth Holloway led “Not Made with Hands” as the closing song, and Martha Lang closed the singing with prayer at 3:15 p.m.

Next year’s singing date will be July 29, 2000.

Chairman—Seth Holloway; Vice Chairperson—Kiri Miller; Secretary—Mark Miller.