Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Lamar and Pickens County Convention

Zion Church, Eight Miles North of Gordo, Alabama

July 11, 1999

The eighty-second session of the annual Lamar and Pickens County Convention was held at Zion Church on the second Sunday in July, and was called to order by Clarence McCool leading song on page 30t. Earline Ellis led the morning prayer. Clarence McCool led song on page 36b.

Leaders: Wayne Baines 569b, 155; George Cox 108b, 490; Odie V. Horton 403, 410t; Tim Cook and Michael Fore 448t, 73b, 45t, 49t; Gravis Ballinger 78, 34b; Travis Keeton 179, 44; Gene Wakefield 108t, 109.


The class resumed singing with Clarence McCool leading song on page 112. Leaders: Annie Lou McCool 168, 339; George Cox 278b, 303; Lisa Geist 72t, 546; Earl Ballinger 203, 270; Amber Springfield 290, 391; John Hyde 129, 61; Etma Barton 299, 298; Julie Postam 421, 480.


The class was called to order by Clarence McCool leading song on page 317. Leaders: Earline Ellis 494, 300; Johnny Humber 146, 145t; Clarissa Springfield 343, 166; Toney Smith 225t, 475; Cecile Cox 119, 282; James Ballinger 405, 63; Josie Hyde 43, 220, 342; Paula Springfield 224, 297; Larry Ballinger 89, 56t; Rachael Richards 310, 59; Marlin Burkhalter 452.

Lisa Geist led song on page 45t as a memorial lesson for: Sara McCool, Elder H.R. Avery, and Clara Black.

Leaders: Amber Springfield 58; Earline Ellis 72b; Clarence McCool “Not Made With Hands”, 111t.

We invite everyone to come again next year on the second Sunday in July. The class was dismissed with prayer.

Chairman—Clarence McCool; Vice Chairman—Toney Smith; Secretary—Earline Ellis.