Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Labor Day Singing
Shoal Creek Church, Cleburne County, Alabama
Monday, September 2, 2024
The 104th annual session of the Shoal Creek Labor Day singing combined with the 135th annual session of the Cleburne County Convention was held on the first Monday in September at the Shoal Creek Church in the Talladega National Forest in Cleburne County, Alabama. Cecil Roberts called the class together leading 49t. Judy Chambless offered the morning prayer. Cecil Roberts welcomed the visitors and singers and led 49b. Leaders: Bert Collins 35, 542; Winfred Kerr 47b, 225t; Oscar McGuire 34b, 171; Daniel Williams 201, 74t; Karen Rollins 540, 45t; Glenda Collins 105, 124; Prisca Rice 122, 36b; Robert Chambless 480, 84.
Judy Chambless brought the class back to order leading 373 and 282. Leaders: Bill DuPre 107, 29t; Emily Eddins 337, 474; Stanley Smith 79, 430; Dana Eddins 47t, 39b; Shane Brown 128, 78.
In a short business meeting the following officers were elected: Chairman—Samuel Williams; Vice Chairman—Daniel Williams; Secretary—Judy Chambless. Leaders: Nathan Rees 348t, 176t; Jamey Wootten 37b, 389; Rodney Ivey 317, 345t; Judy Mincey 434, 320; Curtis Spivey 59, 358; Cecil Roberts 76b, 491; Prisca Rice 141, 138t; Fallon Dyer 354b.
Daniel Williams brought the class back to order leading 284. Leaders: Bill DuPre 426t; Oscar McGuire 556; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 454; Emily Eddins 551; Rodney Ivey and Stanley Smith 129; Judy Mincey 475; Robert Chambless 303; Nathan Rees 299; Dana Eddins 192; Shane Brown 73b; Winfred Kerr 89; Jamey Wootten 101t; Stanley Smith 153; Fallon Dyer 146; Prisca Rice 314; Judy Mincey 270; Rodney Ivey and Stanley Smith 384; Emily Eddins 398; Dana Eddins 385b; Fallon Dyer 235. Announcements were made.
Samuel Williams led 56b as the closing song. Shane Brown offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—Samuel Williams; Vice Chairman—Daniel Williams; Secretary—Judy Chambless