Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Mulberry River Convention
Cullman County, Alabama
Saturday, August 31, 2024
The Mulberry River Convention Sacred Harp singing was held at Dodge City Town Hall, Cullman County, Alabama, on Saturday before the first Sunday in September. The class was called to order by Danny Creel leading 30t. Tom Booth offered the opening prayer. Danny Creel led 32t.
The class was organized by electing or appointing the following officers and committee members to serve: Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Ann Jett; Arranging—Lisa Geist.
Leaders: Danny Creel 137; Butch White 313b; Nancy Phillips 112, 63, 196; Linda Booth 39t, 39b, 47t; Linda Booth and Jean Ponder 45t; Mary Beth Garrison 149, 178, 475; Yancey Jett 317, 312b, 440.
The class was brought back together by Butch White leading 34b. Leaders: Beth Branscome 148, 171, 467; Larry Ballinger 448t, 448b, 528; Hazel Heinze 438, 99, 413; Jeff James 569b, 569t, 86; Ainslie Allen 498, 186, 299 (for Wanda Capps).
Butch White led 547 to bring the class together. Leaders: Tom Booth 176b, 177, 204; Ken Tate 234, 147t, 67; Brenda Chafin 110, 187, 426b. Danny Creel asked the blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Danny Creel leading 106. Leaders: Nicholas Thompson 431 (in memory of Henry Guthery), 436 (for David Light), 439 (in memory of Earl Ballinger); Cassie Allen 500, 567, 272; Ann Jett 496, 495, 546; Lisa Geist 328, 215, 273, 564; Danny Creel 111b; Jeff James 61; Mary Beth Garrison 318; Beth Branscome 460; Hazel Heinze 515; Linda Booth 216; Nancy Phillips 182; Ken Tate 123t; Larry Ballinger 428; Ann Jett 269; Nicholas Thompson 192; Cassie Allen 327. Announcements were made.
Danny Creel led 46 as the closing song. Ken Tate dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Danny Creel; Vice Chairman—Butch White; Secretary—Ann Jett