Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
B.M. Smith and Philip Denney Memorial
Carrollton, Georgia
Saturday, August 17, 2024
The annual B. M Smith and Philip Denney Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the third Sunday in August at Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, Carrollton, Georgia. The class was called to order by Isaac Green and Karis Askin leading 59. Denney Rogers offered the opening prayer.
A business session was held and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-chairmen—Isaac Green and Karis Askin; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey; Arranging—Nathan Rees. The business session was closed.
Leaders: Isaac Green and Karis Askin 60; Cheyenne Ivey 56t; Nathan Rees 32b; Bert Collins 35; Kathy Williams 178; Winfred Kerr 36b; Laura Frey 163b; Denney Rogers 143; Bill DuPre 37b; Judy Chambless 373; Glenda Collins 99; Lee Denny 155; David Smead 203; Robert Chambless 49b; Sheri Taylor 280; Lisa Bennett 506; Daniel Williams 455; Judy Mincey 504.
The class was called back to order by Isaac Green and Karis Askin leading 82t. Leaders: John Plunkett 53; Barbara Brooks 129; Linda Booth 269; Matt Hinton 275t; Emily Stutzman 179; Cecil Roberts 312b; Lauren Bock and Hattie Karlsberg 87; Shane Brown 442; Shawn Taylor, Irene Ruby, and Avery Evans 114; Isaac Green and Karis Askin 475, 120 (in memory of B.M. Smith and Philip Denney); Tom George 138b; Rebekah Gilmore 396; Pam Nunn 365 (for Karen Rollins); Jamey Wootten 162; Abigail Cannon 177; Oscar McGuire 573; Nathan Rees and Isaac Green 317 (for Margie Smith); Sarah George and James George 224; Blake Sisemore 532. Keith Horsley offered the blessing on the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Isaac Green and Karis Askin leading 421. Leaders: Jesse Karlsberg 423; Elene Stovall 298; Rodney Ivey and Denney Rogers 345t (for Karen Rollins), 389 (in memory of Lonnie Rogers); Judy Greene 334; Terry Wootten 131b; Lauren Bock, Irene Ruby, Avery Evans, Katherine Richter, Kaitlin Simotics, and Roscoe Odom Duffy 105; Karis Askin and Gayle Denney 100; Rebekah Gilmore 440; Samuel Williams 211; Shane Brown and Jamey Wootten 300; Pam Nunn 318; Blake Sisemore 548; Sarah George 430; Reba Windom and Elene Stovall 411; Cheyenne Ivey and Karis Askin 384 (in memory of Coy Ivey and Philip Denney); Tom George 447; Abigail Cannon 336; Terry Wootten 39t; Emily Stutzman 80t; Oscar McGuire 485. Announcements were made.
Isaac Green and Karis Askin led 69t as the closing song. Shane Brown offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Co-chairman—Isaac Green; Co-chairman—Karis Askin; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey