Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Mobile Sacred Harp Singing
Mobile, Alabama
Saturday, August 3, 2024
The 2nd annual Mobile Sacred Harp All-Day Singing was held at Government Street United Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama, on Saturday before the first Sunday in August. Two songbooks were used; The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition and The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. The class was called to order by Kevin Dyess leading 276 (CB), who gave a few introductory remarks about Sacred Harp and then extended a warm welcome to all in attendance. The opening prayer was offered by Joshua McCoy.
Selections from The B.F. White Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition. Leaders: Kevin Dyess 277 (CB); Charlotte Naylor 380t (CB), 155 (CB); Shawn Taylor 522 (CB); Andy Ditzler 443 (CB), 590 (CB); David Brodeur 38t (CB); Joshua McCoy 264t (CB), 282 (CB); David Ivey 541 (CB); Gary Padgett 501 (CB), 464 (CB); Nicole Bowman 465 (CB), 38b (CB); Ryan Bowman 398t (CB), 28t (CB); Nancy Van Den Akler 229 (CB), 573 (CB).
Selections from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Leaders: Laura Jane 159, 146; Shawn Taylor 287, 379; Natalie Naquin 323b; Andy Ditzler 271t, 107; Gary Padgett 442, 480; Caleb Cranston 299, 355; David Brodeur 171, 283; Joshua McCoy 178, 378t; David Ivey 325, 409; Nicole Bowman 455, 503.
Kevin Dyess gave the memorial lesson and led 572 (CB) in memory of the following deceased: Earl Ballinger, Pearl Guier, Henry Guthery, Janet King, Richard Mauldin, Kennon Smith, Tommie Spurlock—Alabama; Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Dan L. Burk and Susan Fetcho—California; Martha Ann Stegar—Georgia; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina; Charlotte Ehrman—New York; Chloe Webb—Texas; Reed Schilbach—Washington; Eva Striebeck—Germany. Joshua McCoy offered prayer to close the memorial service. Kevin Dyess led 369 (CB). The abundant lunch offerings were blessed by Mrs. Margaret Dyess.
The afternoon session began with Ryan Bowman leading 96 (CB). Leaders: Stefani Priskos 380b (CB), 192 (CB); DeAna Autry 392 (CB); Charlotte Naylor 274t (CB), 388 (CB); Shawn Taylor 168 (CB); Andy Ditzler 486 (CB), 348b (CB); James Trimarco 46 (CB), 127 (CB); David Brodeur 559 (CB); Joshua McCoy 293b (CB), 563 (CB); David Ivey 546 (CB); Gary Padgett 505 (CB); Nicole Bowman 543 (CB).
Leaders: Nicole Bowman 547; Ryan Bowman 112; Liz Hayes 209; Daron Douglas 63, 40; Margaret Evey 312t, 338; Stefani Priskos 170, 378b; DeAna Autry 376, 457; Laura Jane 288, 318; Shawn Taylor 396, 546; Natalie Naquin 277, 47b; Andy Ditzler 93, 212; Gary Padgett 198. Announcements were made.
Kevin Dyess led 48b as the closing song. Kent Dueitt dismissed the class with prayer.
Chairman—Kevin Dyess; Vice Chairman—DeAna Autry; Secretary—Kate Barrett