Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Rusk County Convention
Pine Grove Church, Henderson, Texas
April 27-28, 2024
Saturday, April 27
The 15th annual Rusk County Convention met Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April at Old Pine Grove Church near Henderson, Texas. The tune book for Saturday was the 2012 Revision of The B.F. White Sacred Harp (Cooper Book). Chris Nicholson called the class to order by leading 47t (CB). Elder Robert Vaughn offered the opening prayer.
A business meeting was held, and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Joseph Sherer; Vice Chairman—Emily Brown; Secretary—Gaylon Powell.
Leaders: Chris Nicholson 30b (CB); Joseph Sherer 348t (CB), 81 (CB); Emily Brown 38t (CB), 86 (CB); Gaylon Powell 482 (CB), 552 (CB); Tristan Gordon 67 (CB), 145t (CB); Kristie Powell 131t (CB), 210 (CB); Robert Vaughn 273 (CB), 268t (CB); Janie Short 505 (CB), 146 (CB).
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 276 (CB); Ivy Hauser 268b (CB), 269 (CB); Charlie McGuire 399 (CB), 392 (CB); Daniel Williams 292b (CB), 446t (CB); Ann Jett 503 (CB), 515 (CB); Stina Soderling 31t (CB), 98 (CB); Will Gatewood 63 (CB), 511t (CB). Dan Alquist asked the blessing for the noon meal.
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 122 (CB); Jim Lazenby 108b (CB), 361 (CB); Danny Creel 404 (CB), 133 (CB); Molly Peck 38b (CB), 278b (CB); Henry McGuire 567 (CB), 478 (CB); Ken Tate 511b (CB), 447b (CB); Samuel Williams 336t (CB), 479 (CB); Sonja Kirkham 504t (CB), 475 (CB); Yancey Jett and Emily Brown 172 (CB), 216 (CB); Charity Vaughn and Chris Nicholson 297 (CB), 112 (CB); Tammy Powell 222 (CB), 142 (CB).
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 132 (CB); Natalie Fletcher and Tammy Powell 400 (CB), 401 (CB); David Williams and Samuel Williams 524 (CB); Will Gatewood and Molly Peck 410 (CB); Danny Creel and Ken Tate 514 (CB); Henry McGuire and Charlie McGuire 411 (CB); Sonja Kirkham and Jim Lazenby 242 (CB); Ann Jett and Ivy Hauser 192 (CB); Charity Vaughn and Chris Nicholson 212 (CB); Tristan Gordon, Stina Soderling, and Ivy Hauser 470 (CB); Janie Short and Tammy Powell 571 (CB); Emily Brown and Kristie Powell 54t (CB); Gaylon Powell and Robert Vaughn 536 (CB). Joseph Sherer appointed Kristie Powell and Gaylon Powell to serve on the memorial committee. After announcements, Joseph Sherer led 274t as the closing song. Chris Nicholson led the closing prayer
Sunday, April 28
The Sunday session of the convention was held in conjunction with the Pine Grove Cemetery Homecoming. The tune book for Sunday was the 2010 Revision of The Christian Harmony. Joseph Sherer led 470 (CH) for the opening song. The opening prayer was offered by Rick Foreman.
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 165 (CH); Emily Brown 51 (CH), 131 (CH); Rick Foreman 67t (CH), 66b (CH); Stina Soderling 67b (CH), 276 (CH); Chris Nicholson and Charity Vaughn 82t (CH), 546b (CH); Ken Tate 168b (CH), 490 (CH); Henry McGuire 432b (CH), 447 (CH); Joan Smith 353 (CH), 210t (CH); Ivy Hauser 223 (CH), 61t (CH); Kristie Powell 548 (CH), 258 (CH); Ann Jett 170 (CH), 149 (CH).
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 360 (CH); Molly Peck 167t (CH), 281t (CH); Charlie McGuire 82b (CH), 398t (CH); Yancey Jett and Emily Brown 354 (CH), 307 (CH); Will Gatewood 60 (CH), 316 (CH); Janie Short 49 (CH), 43 (CH); Tristan Gordon 74 (CH), 329 (CH).
The memorial lesson was held at this time. Kristie Powell made some comments concerning the sick and shut-ins, and read the list of names: Lucy Heidorn, Wanda Capps, Henry Guthery, Cindy Tanner, Mike Hinton, Leon Ballinger, Bruce Ray, Peggy Ray, and John Morris. She then led 221b (CH).
Gaylon Powell made some comments concerning the deceased, and read the list of names: Rosalee Burns, Eli Howard—Texas; Tommie Spurlock, Norma Green—Alabama; P. Dan Brittain—Arkansas; Jeff Bagley—California; Eva Striebeck—Germany; Recent burials at Pine Grove Cemetery—Melissa Avra, Sissy Benavidez; James Sharborough. He then led 228 (CH). The memorial lesson closed with prayer by Mike Kirkham.
Leaders: Sonya Kirkham 255 (CH), 189 (CH). Prayer for lunch was given at the table.
Leaders: Joseph Sherer 293 (CH); Danny Creel 308 (CH), 54 (CH); Tammy Powell 64 (CH), 1 (CH); Robert Vaughn 278 (CH), 86t (CH); Henry McGuire 186 (CH); Ken Tate 292 (CH); Will Gatewood 208b (CH); Yancey Jett and Emily Brown 176 (CH); Charlie McGuire 355 (CH); Ann Jett 96 (CH); Stina Soderling 13 (CH); Rick Foreman 128b (CH); Danny Creel and Rick Foreman 167b (CH); Ivy Hauser 268 (CH); Janie Short 303 (CH); Sonya Kirkham 117 (CH); Kristie Powell 336t (CH); Chris Nicholson 184 (CH). Announcements were made.
Leaders: Tristan Gordon 253 (CH); Tammy Powell 421b (CH); Robert Vaughn 180 (CH); Joan Smith 59b (CH); Natalie Fletcher and Emily Brown 175 (CH); Emily Brown 19 (CH); Gaylon Powell 203 (CH). Joseph Sherer led 549b (CH) as the closing song. Emily Brown offered the closing prayer.
Chairman—Joseph Sherer; Vice Chairman—Emily Brown; Secretary—Gaylon Powell