Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Greenwood County Sacred Harp Singing

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greenwood, South Carolina

Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Greenwood County Sacred Harp Singing was held on Saturday before the first Sunday in March. Bill Hogan led 87, then gave a warm welcome to all in attendance and offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Nancy Hogan 171; Robert Kelley 30b; Jane Cannon 33b; Jeremiah Ledbetter 60; Dave Farmer 288; John Plunkett 495; Michael Spencer 289; Frances Carnell 114; Leon Carnell 86; Cheryl Powell 398; Bill Hogan 106; Nancy Hogan 401; Robert Kelley 285t; Jane Cannon 65; Jeremiah Ledbetter 44.


The class was brought back to order by Dave Farmer leading 147b. Leaders: John Plunkett 93; Michael Spencer 467; Frances Carnell 230; Leon Carnell 107; Bill Hogan 277; Nancy Hogan 503; Robert Kelley 163t; Jane Cannon 564; Jeremiah Ledbetter 109; Dave Farmer 333; John Plunkett 471; Michael Spencer 191; Frances Carnell 228; Leon Carnell 276; Bill Hogan 268; Robert Kelley 155; Nancy Hogan 448b; Jane Cannon 269; Jeremiah Ledbetter 90; Dave Farmer 229; John Plunkett 394; Michael Spencer 382; Frances Carnell 365. Pastor Chris Christopher offered the blessing for the meal.


Bill Hogan brought led 179 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Nancy Hogan 53; Robert Kelley 98; Jane Cannon 318; Jeremiah Ledbetter 417; Dave Farmer 209; John Plunkett 187; Michael Spencer 308; Frances Carnell 220; Leon Carnell 178; Bill Hogan 532; Nancy Hogan 112; Robert Kelley 279; Jane Cannon 441; Jeremiah Ledbetter 540; Dave Farmer 538; John Plunkett 130; Michael Spencer 521; Frances Carnell 227; Leon Carnell 236. Announcements were made.

Bill Hogan led 323t as the closing song. Leon Carnell closed the day with prayer.

Chairpersons—Bill Hogan and Nancy Hogan; Secretary—Frances Carnell