Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Boiling Springs Convention
and Calhoun County Convention

Oak Hill Baptist Church, Oxford, Alabama

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The 109th session of the Calhoun County Convention and the 157th session of the Boiling Springs Convention was held at Oak Hill Baptist Church, Oxford, Alabama, on the second Sunday in November. Cecil Roberts called the class to order leading 59. Judy Chambless offered the opening prayer. Cecil Roberts welcomed the singers and visitors, and led 30b. Leaders: Bert Collins 35, 300, 542; Judy Chambless 47t (in memory of Evenly Harris), 503 (in memory of B.J. Harris), 34t; Winfred Kerr 47b, 282, 544; Glenda Collins 76b, 77t, 45t; Robert Chambless 452, 84, 225t; Jack Nelson 540, 500, 32t.


Cecil Roberts brought the class back to order leading 303. Leaders: Cecil Roberts 491, 33b; Bert Collins 82t, 97, 235; Judy Chambless 454, 472, 475; Winfred Kerr 77b, 65, 516; Glenda Collins 100, 101t, 345t (in honor of several members of her family and in memory of her daughter); Robert Chambless 180; Jack Nelson 399b, 96, 569b (in honor of Virginia Futral and Myrline Redmond).


At a short business meeting, the singers voted to close the singing for the day, and permanently closed this singing in future. After announcements, Cecil Roberts, Bert Collins, and Judy Chambless led 46 as the closing song. Cecil Roberts offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Bert Collins; Secretary—Judy Chambless