Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard Memorial

Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, South of Bremen, Georgia

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The annual Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held at Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, south of Bremen, Georgia, on the second Sunday in October. This singing is usually held at the Muscadine Methodist Church in Muscadine, Alabama, however, several Methodist churches were dissolved in Cleburne County recently. Muscadine Methodist Church was one of the churches affected. Rene Greene welcomed everyone to the singing. Rene reminded the class that due to this being a memorial singing there would not be a memorial lesson. She then led 63. Bert Collins offered the morning prayer.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Pam Nunn; Secretary—Donna Bell. Reba Windom was asked to arrange. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Pam Nunn 186, 155 (in memory of Evelyn Harris); Glenda Collins 99, 124; Winfred Kerr 146 (in memory of Hugh McGraw), 516; Shawn Taylor 191, 189; Bill DuPre 31t, 229; Karen Rollins 120 (in memory of Philip Denney), 119; Bert Collins 35, 300; Sheri Taylor 39t, 163t; Jose Martinez 159, 117; Phillip Langley 283 (in honor of Judy Henry), 171; Abigail Cannon 270, 204; Cecil Roberts 285t, 410t.


Rene Greene brought the class back to order leading 84. Leaders: Rene Greene and Pam Nunn 269; Jack Nelson 318 (in memory of his siblings Betty Culver, Ray Nelson, and Mike Nelson, also, Jeff Sheppard), 524; Lisa Bennett 392, 304; Oscar McGuire 163b, 515; Bridge Hill Kennedy 37b, 168; Shane Wootten 460 (in memory of Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard), 65. Shane spoke of the great impact of mentorship under Jeff and Shelbie. Once on a trip up north when Shane had keyed a song too high, Jeff told him to scan the page for notes before starting to key it. Shane Wootten stressed the need for mentors like Jeff and Shelbie in Sacred Harp singing. Nathan Rees led 380 and 217 (in memory of Jeanette Dewberry). Jack Nelson offered the blessing of the noon meal in the church.


The afternoon session of singing began with Rene Greene leading 440. Leaders: David Smead 502, 532; Shane Brown 317, 49b; Lloyd Bricken 235, 97; Jose Martinez 45t; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 454 (in memory of Virginia Dyer); Bill DuPre 122; Lisa Bennett 77b (in honor of Don Bowen and in memory of Charlene Wallace); Karen Rollins and Oscar McGuire 327; Bridge Hill Kennedy 276 (in memory of Shelbie Sheppard, who was a source of constant encouragement during Bridge’s early singing years); Jack Nelson 566 (in honor of Virginia Futral, William Futral, and Myrline Redmon); Abigail Cannon 47t; Lloyd Bricken 277; Nathan Rees 322 (in memory of Jeff Sheppard); Shawn Taylor 442; Shane Wootten 313t; Shane Brown 383; Winfred Kerr 394.

Singers in attendance related to the Albright, Cates, Brown, and Sheppard families were Oscar McGuire, Rene Sheppard Greene, Pam Sheppard Nunn, and Donna Garner Bell. Oscar, Rene, and Pam led 556. Rene thanked everyone for coming.

Following announcements, Rene and Pam led 146. Jack Nelson offered the closing prayer and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Rene Greene; Vice Chairman—Pam Nunn; Secretary—Donna Bell