Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cornelius Benjamin Keeton
and Travis Keeton Memorial Singing

Shady Grove (Keeton Cemetery), Walker County, Alabama

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Cornelius Benjamin Keeton and Travis Keeton Memorial Sacred Harp Singing was held on the third Sunday in September. The class was called to order by Glenn Keeton leading 63. Mike Hankins offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Glenn Keeton 40; David Jackson 101t, 61 (in memory of Juanita Beasley); Louise Yeager 56t, 276; Roma Rice 323b, 225t; Mike Hankins 59, 282; Lloyd Bricken 283, 47b; Nancy Phillips 277, 388; Betty Baccus 373 (in memory of Travis Keeton), 430; Laurie Kirkland 178, 472.


Glenn Keeton led 122 to bring the class together. Leaders: Glenn Keeton and Lena Keeton 475, 49b; Jacqui Sanderson 47t, 513; Chris Ballinger 426t (in memory of Travis Keeton), 177 (for Earl Ballinger); Margaret Keeton 182, 187; Beth Hawkins 294; Larry Ballinger 97, 389 (for Earl Ballinger); Bunk Beasley 72b, 81t; Lisa Close 77t, 87.


The afternoon session began with Glenn Keeton leading 159. Leaders: Doug Cantrell 339, 235; Marlin Beasley 480, 448t; Lisa Geist 327, 269; David Jackson 75; Roma Rice 229; Lloyd Bricken 385b; Nancy Phillips 196; Laurie Kirkland 128; Chris Ballinger 347; Bunk Beasley 45t; Lisa Close 460; Doug Cantrell 354b; Marlin Beasley 33b; Glenn Keeton 490. Announcements were made. This singing will no longer be held.

Glenn Keeton led 267 as the closing song. He offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Secretary—Lisa Geist