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Floyd Singing

Springhouse Community School, Pilot, Virginia

Saturday, August 26, 2023

The 6th annual Floyd All-Day singing was held Saturday before the fourth Sunday in August at Springhouse Community School, Pilot Virginia. Chris Wolf called the class to order leading 81t. Thomas Mann offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Corinne Serfass 410b; John delRe 68t; Miriam Delirium 271t; Marko Wessnigk 47t; Andrea Argott and Miriam Delirium 39t; Kaleb Delk 340; Evelyn Saylor 114; Cherilyn Neilson 67; Abby Beavin 157; Leslie Booher 133.


Kelly Macklin brought the class to order leading 18b (ShH). Leaders: Leyland delRe 47 (ShH); Chris Wolf 305 (ShH); Bridget Jamison 403 (ShH); Molly Hickman 200 (ShH); Liora O’ Donnell Goldensher 333 (ShH); David Wilson 65t (ShH); John delRe 178 (ShH); Kelly Macklin 154 (ShH); Dan Jaasma 242 (ShH); Eli Snyder 205 (ShH); Corinne Serfass 222 (ShH).


Abby Beavin brought the class to order leading 30b. Leaders: Miriam Delirium 86; Jenny Finn and Chris Wolf 230; Michael Archer 455; Marco Wessnigk 203.

Roxanne Greenberg offered the memorial lesson with heartfelt reflections. She read the following names of the sick and shut-ins: Nancy Macklin, Sue Osborne, Ludger Dunnebache, Bruce Saylor, Ronnie Wood, and Carolyn. Roxanne read the following list of names of those deceased in the last year: Lydia Lewallen, Eva Striebeck, Bruce Holzman, BJ Sarkissian, Marian Couch, Cheryl Foreman, Tim Aldritch, Marna Neuffer, Sue Graham Mingus, Bob Gregory, Bud Smith, Blythe Smith, Graham DeZarn, Francis Saylor, Samson Stabler, Ruby Crews, and Jon Werberg. Roxanne and Chris Wolf led 98 (ShH) to honor the sick and shut-ins and recently deceased.

Kaleb Delk brought the class back together leading 41 (ShH). Leaders: Ian Stabler and Chris Wolf 313b; Evelyn Saylor 226 (ShH); Cherilyn Neilson 78 (ShH); Abby Beavin 69 (ShH); Leslie Booher 140 (ShH); Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 560 (ShH). Thomas Mann offered a blessing before the meal.


The afternoon session began with Dan Jaasma leading 155. Afternoon song selections were leaders choice. Leaders: Molly Hickman 48t; Leyland delRe 35 (ShH); Hannah Mann 503; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 475; Abby Beavin 178; Bridget Jamison 312b; David Wilson 276; Chris Wolf 117 (ShH); John delRe 363 (ShH); Kelly Macklin 294 (ShH); Dan Jaasma 277; Eli Snyder 87 (ShH); Corinne Serfass 214; Miriam Delirium 260t (ShH); Michael Archer 306.


Bridget Jamison brought the class to order by leading 355. Leaders: Kaleb Delk 276 (ShH); Marco Wessnigk and Evelyn Saylor 133 (ShH); Abby Beavin 329; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 426b; Cherilyn Neilson 372; Jenny Finn and Carolyn Reilly 34b; Hannah Mann 480; Leslie Booher 319; Leyland delRe and Eli Snyder 96 (ShH); Molly Hickman and Bridget Jamison 111b; John delRe and Kelly Macklin 168 (ShH); David Wilson and Eli Snyder 148; Chris Wolf 266 (ShH); Miriam Delirium 236t (ShH).

Following announcements, Chris Wolf led 12 (ShH) as the closing song. Thomas Mann offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Chris Wolf; Secretary—Eli Snyder