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Scotland Sacred Harp Singing

Holy Trinity & St Barnabas Episcopal Church, Paisley, Scotland

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Scotland All-Day singing was held in the Wade Hall at Holy Trinity & St Barnabas Episcopal Church, Paisley. This was the first time the all-day singing had been held in Paisley. Ruth Holman called the class to order leading 34b, and offered words of welcome. Karen Turner offered an opening reflection.

Leaders: Jan Geerts 30t; Joan Gordon 47t; Karen Turner 31t; Viv O’Duffy 49t; Anne Altringham 37b; Deedee Cuddihy 569b; Margaret Bradshaw 150; Naomi Russell 479; Hannah Coutts 99; Calum Parker 472; Kate Howard 299; Cath Ingham 155; Claire Welford 201.


Margaret Bradshaw brought the class back to order leading 29t. Leaders: Heather Thompson 278b; Martin Rodger 277; Scott Morrison 452; Nina Riegler 101b; Deedee Cuddihy 503; Alison Cole 39t; Susannah Gill 171; Marisa Strutt 49b; Eimear MacGuire 40; Alex Federa 268; Anne Altringham 189; Kate Howard 497; Claire Welford 217.


Ruth Holman brought the class back to order leading 68b. Leaders: Viv O’Duffy 122; Eleanor Jones-McAuley 335; Joan Gordon 47b.

Susannah Gill conducted a combined sick and housebound and memorial lesson. She led 285t in honor of and in memory of the following: Sick and Housebound—Seth Dickens, Hannah Land, Sandy Semenoff, Sandra Shields, and Carol Anne Walker; Deceased—Doreen Carlyle—St Annes-on-Sea, Josie Symes—Glasgow.

Leaders: Calum Parker 480; Heather Thompson 86; Karen Turner 48b; Nina Riegler 77b; Eimear MacGuire 500; Cath Ingham 354b. The Selkirk Grace was offered by Joan Gordon before lunch


Karen Turner brought the class back to order leading 87. Leaders: Anne Altringham 270; Viv O’Duffy 148; Nina Riegler 368; Calum Parker 481; Eimear MacGuire 344; Ruth Holman 547; Susannah Gill 442; Kate Howard 504; Claire Welford 372; Alex Federa 89; Jan Geerts 546; Heather Thompson 186; Joan Gordon 178; Sula O’Duffy 300.


Margaret Bradshaw brought the class back to order leading 105. Leaders: Bernee 143; Alison Cole 114; Eleanor Jones-McAuley 168; Scott Morrison 417; Claire Welford 208; Hannah Coutts 146; Susannah Gill 425; Nina Riegler 38b; Cath Ingham 334; Kate Howard 532. Ruth Holman made closing announcements, and thanked all those who had travelled to sing and those involved in organizing the day.

Ruth Holman led 323t as the closing song. Joan Gordon gave an Irish blessing, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Ruth Holman; Secretary—Karen Turner