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Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing

Westside Park Pavilion, Atlanta, Georgia

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The 4th annual Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Andy Ditzler leading 46. Scott DePoy offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—David Smead; Treasurer—Lisa Bennett; Arranging Officer—Shawn Taylor.

Leaders: Andy Ditzler 360; Bill DuPre 53; David Smead 300; Shawn Taylor 392; Jeannette DePoy 339; Lisa Bennett and Benjamin Van Winkle 318; Glenda Collins 124; David Brodeur 391; Esther Morgan-Ellis 270; John Plunkett 431; Jim Neal 406; Tajin Rogers 128; Mark Noonan 312b; Neva Garrett 480; Bert Collins 542; Benjamin Van Winkle 102; James Burrell and Andy Ditzler 48t; Lauren Bock 283.


Andy Ditzler, Adam DeBruler, and Kristen DeBruler brought the class back to order by leading 145t. Leaders: John Whittemore 40; Lucey Rose Karlsberg 146; Kelly Morris 147t; Jerusha Wheeler 59; Phillip Langley 171; Clay Zeller-Townson 33b; Bridge Kennedy 276; Jesse P. Karlsberg 302; Karen Morris 299.

John Plunkett conducted the memorial lesson. He spoke about the importance of connections in the Sacred Harp community. The sick and shut-ins list included Cathy White, Susan Firestone, Mary Crowder, and Caroline Wootten. The memorial list included George Burnette, Philip Denney, Mack Langley, Key Langley, Virginia Dyer—Georgia; Ann Simpson, Norma Green, J.L. Hopper, Hubert Nall, Marlon Wootten—Alabama; Lydia Lewallen, Larry Bumgardner, Harry Mamlin—North Carolina. John Plunkett led 330b, and the memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Jeannette DePoy.

Leaders: Scott DePoy 179; Dolan Dolan-Wolfe 284; Nathan Rees 100; Joan Durdin 45t; Taylor Ward 163t; Andy Ditzler 291; Jim Neal 496; Lisa Bennett 38b; Shawn Taylor 383.


The class was brought back to order by Andy Ditzler and Andrea Angott leading 84. Leaders: Mark Noonan 410t; Andy Ditzler and Shawn Taylor 142; Clay Zeller-Townson 86; Dolan Dolan-Wolfe 95; Tajin Rogers 47b; Taylor Ward 58; Glenda Collins 63; Bridge Kennedy 168; Esther Morgan-Ellis 113; Nathan Rees 474; Benjamin Van Winkle and Lisa Bennett 242; Neva Garrett 155; Bert Collins 35; Phillip Langley 440; Laura Akerman 192; Kelly Morris 159; Jerusha Wheeler 200; John Whittemore 34t; Karen Morris 430; Jessalyn Miller and Esther Morgan-Ellis 133; Dolan Dolan-Wolfe 77t; David Smead 177; Taylor Ward 89; Laura Akerman 224; Clay Zeller-Townson 198; Bridge Kennedy 500; Tajin Rogers 148; Bill DuPre 475; Adam DeBruler and Lauren Bock 268. After announcements, Andy Ditzler and Bill DuPre led 347 as the closing song. Jim Neal offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Vice Chairman—Bill DuPre; Secretary—David Smead