Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Chafin, Harbinson, and Hollis Memorial

New Prospect Church, Cullman County, Alabama

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The 149th session of the Chafin, Harbinson, and Hollis Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on the third Sunday in July. The class was brought to order by Danny Creel leading 30t. Danny offered the opening prayer, and then led 30b.

Leaders: Brenda Chafin 101t, 282; Butch White 86, 287; Linda Booth 39t, 31t; Ann Jett 136, 37b; Tim Gregg 467, 65; Hubert Nall 354t, 418.


Danny Creel led 448t to bring the class back together. Leaders: Tom Booth 123t, 204; Blake Sisemore 186, 319; Nicholas Thompson 336, 189; Glenn Keeton 349, 278t; Cindy Tanner 389, 403; Lisa Geist 91, 273; Ken Tate 272, 234; Loretta Whitman 166 (for Julia Poston and Betty Baccus), 373; Earl Ballinger 432, 392.


The class was brought back to order by Danny Creel leading 45t (for the pastor of the church). Leaders: Larry Ballinger 140, 528; Ainslie Allen 542, 475; Stefani Priskos 318, 303; Cassie Allen 317, 176b; Louise Yeager 61, 84.


The afternoon session began with Nicholas Thompson leading 76b. Leaders: Joyce White 480, 178; Wanda Capps 203, 546; Blake Sisemore 436; Stefani Priskos 89; Tim Gregg 541; Tom Booth and Linda Booth 517 (WB); Lisa Geist, Larry Ballinger, and Earl Ballinger 540; Ann Jett, Wanda Capps, Cindy Tanner, and Danny Creel 498, 269; Hubert Nall and Glenn Keeton 384; Ken Tate, Cassie Allen, and Ainslie Allen 192 (for Ozella Blackmon), 434; Brenda Chafin 376, 271t, 130, 487, 463; Tim Gregg 92; Stefani Priskos 300, 227. Announcements were made.

Danny Creel led 46 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Hubert Nall, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Danny Creel; Secretary—Ann Jett