Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Old Paths Singing

Old Paths Bible Church, Middletown, Missouri

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Old Paths Bible Church Singing took place on a fine March day. Tommy Schultz called the class to order leading 73t. Gary Huffman offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Tommy Schultz 168, 497; John Huffman 49b, 48t; Daniel Bearden 65 (MH), 69 (MH); Clara Herr 47t, 485; Jim Herr 556, 13 (MH); Chris Nicholson 314, 473; Dan Dohman 299, 569b; Jamie Dohman 147t, 542; Erin Fulton 467, 51; David Casenheimer 106, 146; Tim Gregg 277, 99.


John Huffman and Katie Huffman brought the class back together leading 178 and 49t. Leaders: Prisca Rice 489, 549; Abigail Schultz 268, 388; Theo Schultz 354b; Tommy Schultz 284, 177 (MH); John Huffman 361, 535; Daniel Bearden 48 (MH), 70 (MH); Clara Herr 209, 564; Jim Herr 546, 475; Chris Nicholson 72b, 73b. Jim Herr asked a blessing on the noon meal.


Dan Dohman brought the class back together leading 318. Leaders: Jamie Dohman 29t; Tim Gregg 528, 132; Erin Fulton 278b, 81b; David Casenheimer 591, 385b; Prisca Rice 39 (MH) (for Syd Caldwell), 391; Abigail Schultz 34b, 294; Chris Nicholson 477, 170; Jim Herr 157, 138b; Clara Herr 278t, 124 (MH); Jamie Dohman 228; Daniel Bearden 90 (MH), 91 (MH); Erin Fulton 494.


Prisca Rice brought the class back together leading 155 (for Gary Huffman) and 351. Leaders: Tommy Schultz 350, 163t; John Huffman 163b, 365; David Casenheimer 496, 551; Jamie Dohman 499; Clara Herr 501, 81t; Theo Schultz, Abigail Schultz, and Jubal Schultz 28b, 101b; Dan Dohman 176b; Daniel Bearden 33 (MH).

After announcements, Tommy Schultz led 347 as the closing song. He then offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Tommy Schultz; Secretary—Jamie Dohman