Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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New Year’s Day Singing

Holy Trinity Church, Mapperley, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The class was called to order by Ted Brown leading 56t. Karen Turner gave the opening prayer. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Ted Brown; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders; Arranging Committee—Vicki Elliott and Joe Vickers.

Leaders: Vicki Elliott 89; Judy Whiting 171; Joe Vickers 49b; Ian West 98 (CB); Rosalind Oldham 84; Mark Wardlaw 84 (CB); Jacoba Bruneel 380b (CB); Sarah West 268b (CB); Chris Brown 30t (CB); Claire Welford 133 (CB); Hannah Land 478 (CB); Sam Carter 48t; Julie Russell 33b; Erin Johnson-Williams 518 (CB); Richard Mayers 105; Kate Kirwan 539; Ted Brown 118 (CB) (for Helen Brown); Tom Sprackland 110; Ed Johnson-Williams 282 (CB); Karen Turner 68b; George Simms 98. Grace for the mid-day meal was offered by Jonathan Stanyon.


Sam Carter called the class back together leading 324. Leaders: Ted Brown 397 (CB); Rosalind Oldham 488 (CB); George Simms 78 (CB); Jacoba Bruneel 106; Joe Vickers 191; Judy Whiting 212; Sarah West 216; Tom Sprackland 299; Claire Welford 217; Calum Woods 222; Ian West 475; Kate Kirwan 424; Mark Wardlaw 485 (CB); Erin Johnson-Williams 336t (CB); Richard Mayers 455; Karen Turner 546; Julie Russell 228; Ed Johnson-Williams 486.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Joe Vickers. The following sick and housebound were named: Helen Brown, Gwen Robb, Nic Burdett, Paul King, John Hopkinson, Sonny Erwin, Curtis Owen, Cath Saunt, Margaret Romsey, Olivia Powell, Kevin Powell, Ruan Tamblin, Dave Richardson, David Elliott, Kevin Gallagher, Cath Tyler, Marje Burfitt, Maggie Bates, and Joan Carr. The following deceased were remembered and honored: John Martin, Norma Mincey, Phil Colclough, Bill Steel, Eugene Forbes, Paul Wilson, John Stonnell, Charlene Wallace, Sean Jennings, Sally Lucy, Ron Williams, Andree Simonart, Graham Maule, Peter Wright, Simon Morris, Stuart Russell, Pam Price, Robert Smith, Barbara Gray, Heather Simms, and Brian Dominic. Joe Vickers led 95b (CB) for all the above named and closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Hannah Land 465 (CB); Chris Brown 350 (in memory of Ron Williams).


Julie Russell called the class to order leading 63. Leaders: Vicki Elliott 460; Calum Woods 297; Sarah West 338; Ian West 135; Karen Turner 474; Rosalind Woods 319; Mark Wardlaw 292b (CB); Erin Johnson Williams 505 (CB); Tom Sprackland 527; Julie Russell 163b; Claire Welford 365.

Ted Brown led 323t as the closing song. Simon White dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Ted Brown; Secretary—Margaret Gillanders