Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Haynes Creek Singing

Haynes Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Loganville, Georgia

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The annual singing held at Haynes Creek Primitive Baptist Church was called to order by John Plunkett leading 52t. Wayne Watson offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: John Plunkett 435; Helen Bryson 72t, 77b; Martha Harrell 34b, 77t; Wayne Watson 225t; Kelsey Ivey and Everett Ivey 317, 153; Jesse Karlsberg 417, 310; Russ Hanson 82t, 112; Susan Pierson 143, 354b; Robert Kelley 291, 151.


John Plunkett called the class to order leading 101t. Leaders: Lauren Bock 569t, 466; Oscar McGuire 171, 441; Rosemund Watson 94, 147t; Richard Ivey 313t, 311; Carol Hanson 155, 49b; Michael Spencer 289, 370; Tom Hanson 515, 299; Mary Brownlee 535, 287.


John Plunkett called the class to order leading 345b. Leaders: Sandra Wilkinson 473, 489; Malinda Snow 540, 556; Helen Bryson 178; Martha Harrell 47b; Kelsey Ivey and Everett Ivey 142; Jesse Karlsberg 486; Debora Grosse 344; Tom Hanson 36b; Michael Spencer 521; Carol Hanson 68b; Robert Kelley 481; Lauren Bock 425; Russ Hanson 122; Oscar McGuire 149; Mary Brownlee 183; Richard Ivey 182; Sandra Wilkinson 177; Malinda Snow 496; Debora Grosse 266, 270; John Plunkett 119, 45t (by request).

Announcements were made. Rosemund Watson led 347 as the closing song. Richard Ivey offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Oscar McGuire; Secretary—Helen Bryson