Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Elder Homer Benefield, Katherine Benefield,
and Mildred Johnson Memorial
Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, south of Tallapoosa, Georgia
Friday, April 6, 2018
The 26th session of the Elder Homer Benefield, Katherine Benefield, and Mildred Johnson Memorial Sacred Harp singing was held on Friday night before the second Sunday in April at Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, just south of Tallapoosa on Shiloh Church Road. Cecil Roberts called the class to order by leading 146. Karen Rollins offered the opening prayer. Cecil Roberts welcomed everyone to the singing, and then led 35.
Leaders: Donna Bell 341 (in memory of Darrell Swarens and Louise Holland) 28b; Kathy Williams 37b (in memory of her mother, Louise Holland) 47t; Winfred Kerr 47b, 59; Karen Rollins 36b, 46.
A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Officer—Kathy Williams. Mildred Patterson expressed her appreciation to the singers for coming to sing.
Leaders: Daniel Williams 337, 108b; Glenda Collins and Bert Collins 100, 339; Andy Ditzler 490, 124; Ruth Daniel 378t, 335; Sherrell Cleino 452, 127; David Brodeur 482, 491; Samuel Williams 201, 314. Brother Tommy Patterson offered the blessing of the evening meal.
Andy Ditzler brought the class back to order by leading 80b. Leaders: Kathy Williams 448b; Michele Cull 549; Esther Williams 63; Annaliza Cull 49b, 448t; Cecil Roberts 89; Emmadene Williams and Samuel Williams 58; Sherrell Cleino 45t; Joyce Lambert 145b, 56t (in memory of her daddy, Elder Homer Benefield); Sarah Roberts 108t, 354b; Andy Ditzler 294 (by request for Mildred Patterson); Michele Cull 270; David Brodeur 130.
Announcements were made. Cecil Roberts, Andy Ditzler, Donna Bell, and Kathy Williams led 62 as the closing song. Cecil Roberts offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Cecil Roberts; Vice Chairman—Andy Ditzler; Secretary—Donna Bell