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Northwest Arkansas Shiloh Singing, Fall Session

First Security Bank, Springdale, Arkansas

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Northwest Arkansas Shiloh Singing, Fall Session, was called to order by Syd Caldwell. He led 82t. Springdale Mayor Doug Sprouse welcomed the class, and offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Syd Caldwell 59; Stanley Smith 90, 36b; Andrew Albers 36t, 547; Robert Vaughn 22 (MH), 19 (MH); Katy Black 384, 143; Cory Winters 142, 300; Bill Caldwell 497, 217.

Stanley Smith gave a brief description of Sacred Harp. He 72b with Flip Putthoff of the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette.


Cory Winters called the class back together leading 13 (MH) and 57 (MH).

Leaders: Elaine King and Andrew Albers 47t; Syd Caldwell 140 (CB), 575 (CB); Darryl Criss 496; Will Sims 178, 125; Chris Nicholson 34b, 490; Alexis Walker 354b; Andrew Albers 318 (CB), 507b (CB).


Syd Caldwell called the class back together leading 78 (CB). Leaders: Syd Caldwell 393 (CB); Frank Christel 159 (CB), 492 (CB); Betty Christel and Bill Caldwell 503.

Robert Vaughn opened the memorial service by reading the following list of names of the sick and shut-ins: Holly Childs, Floy Wilder, Jewel Wootten, Toney Smith, Lavoy Smith, Margie Smith, John Bayer, Loraine Bayer, Curtis Owen, and Edith Owen. Robert Vaughn led 207b (CB) in honor of the sick and shut-ins.

Stanley Smith read the following list of names of the deceased: Raymond Hamrick, C.W. Garner, George Garner—Georgia; Evelyn Harris, Phillip Wootten, Olivia Allen, Elder Lewis Norton, Sammie Oliver—Alabama; Estelle Samson, Charles Polston, Suzie Dickerson—Arkansas; Oliver Kindig-Stokes—Pennsylvania. Stanley led 176t in their memory. Stanley Smith led 369.


Bill Caldwell led 49b and 113 (MH) to bring the class back into session.

Leaders: Lewis Garner 573 (CB), 587 (CB); Syd Caldwell 225t, 317; Katy Black 551, 572 (CB); Bonnie Wood and Chris Nicholson 463; Cory Winters 441; Cory Winters and Will Sims 112 (for Holly Childs); Darryl Criss 277; Darryl Criss and Alexis Walker 294; Robert Vaughn 77b (CB). Robert Vaughn and Syd Caldwell led “Syd” (an original composition).


Cory Winters called the class back together leading 182 and 138 (MH).

Leaders: Bill Caldwell 180 (MH) (for Oklahoma State); Elaine King 47b; Syd Caldwell and Stanley Smith 171, 453 (CB) (in memory of the Cagle family and in honor of Don and Karen Clark).

Syd Caldwell led 146 (CB) as the closing song. Bill Caldwell offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Syd Caldwell; Secretary—Katy Black